Chapter 36

Angel had just finished studying two courses when she heard a knock on the door, she opened the door and saw Miss Carter standing there. "Good evening Miss Carter," Angel said.

"Good evening, I just came to inform you that the next round would be starting at five and it is a talent round."

"Hmm, what time we have to arrive for?"

"Mr. Fortune would be here in the next half an hour to collect you all."

"Is there any particular way we have to dress?"

"I believe it is just for whatever talent you will be performing."

"Okay I will start to organize and I will think about what I will be doing while I am organizing."

"Okay, I will see you in a bit then."

"Yes ma'am," Angel said and closed the door after Miss Carter left and head to the bathroom where she started to freshen up and get ready for the evening round. She was still tired from the all-nighter the night before but she knew that she still had to try and fail than to fail to try.

Even while she was leaving the apartment with number four for the hall she still had no idea what she was going to do because she never did anything other than studying. Angel sighed and thought of giving up by simply saying that she had no talent at all.

However when they reached the hall there was a receptionist there waiting, number four joined the line just after her. When it was Angel's turn the receptionist asked, "Name?"

"Angel White."

"What would you be doing tonight?"

Angel was about to say she was not going to do anything but number four answered for her, "Singing," the receptionist was not looking up so she didn't realize that it was not Angel that answered.

"What song would you be singing?"

"Somebody find me somebody to love."

"Noted," the receptionist said and then handed her a piece of paper, "This would be your talent number."

"Thank you," Angel said and stepped aside for number four.


"Jezell Gums."

"What would you be doing tonight?"




"Noted," and then looked up again before handing Jezell a piece of paper, "This would be your talent number."

Jezell and Angel walked into the hall together and it was Angel who spoke first, "I don't know how to sing."

"Angel it is just a song, even if you can't sing just say the words."

"But I don't know the song."

"Had a feeling so, here take this and try to memorize the words," Jezell said and then walked towards the usher that was waiting for them.

Angel was also ushered to her seat, it was only when she sat down did she look at the number the receptionist gave her and she saw twenty five. Unlike the night before where two tables on the left side of the hall and two on the right with a table in the center, the seventh round had three tables on the right and three on the left but instead of them being shaped like a pentagon it was a long rectangle table that could hold five people on either sides.

The tables to the right side of the hall had the chairs facing the center and where the tables were on the left side of the hall there chairs were facing the center which meant that the stage was the center. Unlike the night before where Angel was sitting at the center table, this night she was sitting at the last table from the entrance on the right side but in the middle of the five chairs arranged there.

There was no one else at the table with her so she opened the paper that Jezell gave her and say that it had the lyrics of the sound. She slowly started to memorize the song in her mind and slowly a tune started to play in her head.

The talent show started and everyone was doing their thing, they looked good and the judges took note of all who participated and what they did and the music would play for them accordingly. Out of the other twenty four candidates ten sang, one did a magic show, one did tap dancing, one did a puppet show, ten did all kind of different dances and the one that was presently performing was doing the Charlie Chuckling dance with her black suit, umbrella, black top hat and white gloves.

"Angel White," the judge called her name as the other candidate sat down.

Angel was nervous, she almost fell when she stood up but she still held up herself and walked to the center of the hall. "Nervous?" the man that was sitting at the center of the table asked.

"A bit."

"What would you be doing tonight?"

"I will be singing."

"What song you be performing?"

"Somebody find me somebody to love, it was a song I heard a few times over the radio and I once saw a movie with an actor singing it."

"Which movie was that?"

"Ella Enchanted," Angel answered, she did not lie when she answered the questions because it was only after she was trying to memorize the song the second time and trying to in cooperate the tune she was thinking with it did she remember hearing the song a few times on the bus and she only ever say the part of the girl singing in the movie because of the little girl that was sitting next to her watching it.

She remembered the girl telling her the name of the movie when she was leaving because she realized that Angel was watching the song with her and saw how caught up she was in watching the dance and singing.

"You may start," the man said and shortly after she started the same way she saw the girl in the movie sang and danced the song as she wasn't sure if it would allow her to pass.