Flashback Part two


After that incident I didn't walked back to our dorm, and went to the old house where me and Y/n lived in. I opened the door and walked directly to room where we used to cuddle and laughing to each other. flashbacks start to flash in my mind.

(a/n: this chapter will be a long chapter so please bear with me.. thank you this chapter and next chapter will only be flashbacks and Yoongi's only point of view. Also the first part ⬆️ the one up there, is from the part where they met again after five years.)


5 years ago...

14 February, year 2014

Y/n and I cuddle here in our room. I want to ask her out but i know she will tell me to sleep with her here instead she's really tired because she worked in the coffee shop in the night while studying in the morning. i told her to not over work but she's so stubborn she's not listening to me so I can't do anything but to support her all the way, she loves her work so i really don't have the right to stop her from working.

Anyway, she's here in my arms sleeping soundly. I stared at her beautiful sleeping face and admired the way her eyebrows frown. I think she's dreaming something.

After I stared at her an hour i decide to get up to our bed and take a bath, It's already 7 am and I need to surprise her with a breakfast in bed.

After I take a bath I go downstairs quietly not wanting to wake her up. I opened the fridge looking food for breakfast. i decide to make pancakes and a coffee that we both favorite. Y/n told me that this americano coffee is her favorite coffee this coffee bitter taste because when she's nervous or she's trembling in fear, this coffee makes her calmed down. she even suggested it to me, and we met because of this Coffee.

When i done making pancakes i set the small tray and the plates, and two coffee. i go upstairs while holding the breakfast i made for her and for me. i slowly i opened the door and i saw her rubbing her eyes as i walk up to her and placed the tray into the night table. i kissed her forehead and greet her.

"Good morning honey, hungry?" I asked after i kissed her forehead.

"Yeah, you already awake? this is not you Min yoongi?" she asked then frowned.

"I made breakfast for us. Here" i said then taking the tray into the bed. When she saw the tray full of foods with her favorite coffee she smiled and kissed me in the cheeks.

"Thank you yoongi, you really know how to make me smile, come let's eat before the foods get colds." she said then she's start eating and sometimes she feed me and i smiled at her.

We talked random things.

After we ate the breakfast i headed back to the kitchen to put all the plates and cups into the sink and start to wash the dishes.

"Hey! Did you see my Gucci bag that Naki gave me on my last year birthday?!" Y/n yelled as I heard her running from the stairs.

"Yah! Don't run y/n! And no i didn't see your bag." I said as I finished washing the plates we used.

"Hmm, okay!" She said

"Yoongi! Where are you?!" Y/n yelled again

"In the kitchen!" I yelled back.

"Hmm okay! I just sit here in the living room and watch some dramas!" She said

After I placed the plates into cabinets i decide to go where Y/n watching.

"Y/n!" I whispered in her ears makes her startled a bit. I chuckled

"Yah yoongi! You scared me!" She said and she hit me in the chest.

"Its hurts honey!" I said as act like its really hurts. I heard her laughing so i look at her made her stop laughing then she laugh again. I sit beside her and lean forward to her, slowly she stopped laughing then she look into my eyes.

" Y-yoongi!" She said in a stutter way, I chuckle then lean again to her then our forehead met, she close her eyes. I slowly lean to her and kiss her.

when we got out of air we slowly parted away i smiled and she smiled too then she said.

"You made me break fast because you want something from me right? Is the 'kiss' you want?" She said then she grinned

" Ani! I made you break fast because i want to surprise you a morning break fast in bed, you find it sweet right? I made you smiled." I said as i smirked.

She blushed. "Yah!" She yelled then hit me again in the chest. I caught her hands and hold her both hands tightly.

"But I want to ask you out since today is weekend." I said

"Let me think first" she said

"Hmm... okay." she continue.

"I'll pick you up later at 4:00 pm okay?" I said then kiss her lips one more time before go. I told her that my mom called me earlier which is not true, i need to set a surprise date for us in the rooftop since today is valentines day and i want to celebrate it with her.

*** Fast forward***

I parked my car outside our apartment and walked to the door, but before i knocked she opened the door, i look at her and i amazed, she always looked good dressing like that, she's sexy and hot at the same time even if she just wearing at gray 3/4 top and blue jeans with white shoes and cap.

"Let's go!" i said then dragged her along with me in my car.

I start to drove off to our school where i prepared my surprise for her, when we reached the school she asked non- stop questions.

"What are we going to do here? " y/n

"Did you forgot something important? " y/n continue asking me while I ignored her

"Yah! Min yoongi, answer me!" she said while i open my door and walk to her side.

She glared at me and i just chuckled.

"No, I didn't forgot something here, come on I'll tell you when we got there." I said still chuckling but i stopped when i saw her still glaring at me. I hold her hand and dragged her to the roof top. OUR FAVORITE PLACE.

"Yoongi, why are we here?" she asked confusedly as I opened the door and telling her to go in.

"Just go inside and see for yourself" i said and smiled at her, she smiled back and slowly walk inside i walk after her and I heard her gasp then i hugged her.

"How did you prepared this?" she asked still looking amazed how decorated the roof top.

"I have my ways y/n" i said still back hugging her.

She slowly turn around to look at me, she stared at my face then I quickly get a peck on her lips then run to the side of the rooftop where the sofa bed and props i prepared for her.

"Yah!" She yelled then run after me, I chuckled because of her cuteness plus she's really pretty.

"Come here, sit beside me!" i said as i patted the empty seat beside me... she sit beside me but i pulled her so she sitting on my lap while both of my arms around her waist.

"Y/n what if I passed in the audition?" I asked her. she look into my eyes then she smiled.

"Why did you ask me? Of course, if you passed in the audition I'm still here supporting you all the way! I want to see how my boyfriend become an idol!" she said then she pinched my nose.

I smiled at her response, she's really understanding person I'd ever met.

"You! Don't leave me okay?" I said then pinched her nose like what she did to me.

 she turned around to look at the night sky filled with many stars" Yoongi,look! i saw a shooting star! let's wish ppali" she said then she giggled then she closed her eyes.

I just looked at her memorizing her beauty. she then opened her eyes looking at me with a smile plastered on her face.

"Staring is rude, you know?" she said then she cover her hands to her face. I chuckled.

"Don't hide your beautiful face, jagi!" i said then laugh at her.

"Then stop staring at me you idiot, it's embarrassing" she said still hiding her face.

"Okay, okay! but look at me first!" I said i get her both hands and hold it tightly so she can't do anything but to look at me and she did.

"Stop covering your beautiful face Y/n, you're beautiful and i didn't doubt about that, you're not just beautiful outside but inside too, and that's one of the reason why I love you so much" i said then i kissed her forehead then the tip of her nose, and last her pinkish lips.

I broke the kiss but our forehead still connected to each other.

"I love you so much, i might die if you leave me" I said and I kiss her again.

and we spend our night together, cuddling... and waiting for the valentines to end.



i woke up because of the sun light hits my face. I dreamed about my memories with y/n.. i keep reminiscing those happy memories with her.

I closed my eyes and I said in my mind the words i want to say to her, but i know that i can't.

' Can we go back to the way we used to be?'

I open my eyes and start to do my morning routines and go the dorm after they probably worried about me.
