WebNovelFor Love20.00%

Chapter 2

"Known about what?" I asked nervously.

"Don't lie to me Daisy," Tobias growled.

Crap. He obviously knew who she was, why would he be so angry if it wasn't that.

"Daisy," Tobias sneered, "How long have you known that she lives in Lionsville?"

I exhaled peacefully.

"I don't think she does," I explained.

"Then how does she know Eclipse?" Tobias asked, he was significantly calmer than before.

I shrugged as I sat back down on the couch. "Probably got caught in a scuffle with him while sneaking in. You know how Blaire is."

Tobias shrugged and nodded, "Yeah probably."

I nodded to seal the point.

"Why? Just why would she take someone there?"

"Tobias, just because Carla almost killed you doesn't mean they're all bad people," I explained.

When Carla first met Tobias, he showed up to interview them for a project in English. Tobias figured if he got an interview with the most powerful people in the world that he was sure to get a good grade. Well when he knocked on the door, Eclipse opened it. He asked for Carla and Eclipse let him in to go grab Carla.

Eclipse told Carla someone's in the house and didn't explain it so Carla thought it was an intruder. Well Tobias was looking at Rachel because he'd never seen a human with wings. Carla busted in the room and slung a knife at his calf and then tackled and pinned him to the ground.

After Tobias explained everything, Carla healed his calf, and apologized. Eclipse never explained to Tobias what he said to Carla so Tobias refuses to forgive her.

"She stabbed me!" Tobias argued, "And then apologized with a cookie."

"At least she apologized," I remarked as I started straightening up the livingroom.

"With a cookie! A cookie! She stabbed me and then gave me a cookie," Tobias argued.

"What do you want? A cookie?" I laughed, "She said sorry."

"She stabbed me," Tobias repeated.

"Boo hoo you big baby," I laughed, "Stop holding grudges."

He huffed and then left the room.

I shrugged at his attitude and then continued cleaning. He came back out with a blood stained knife.

I smiled at him and shook my head, "At least she let you keep a souvenir of the only time you've ever been in any kind of conflict."

"You're one to talk," Tobias laughed as he folded the knife and put it in his pocket.

"Excuse me," I giggled, "Last date night did you not get mad at me for being late."

"You were late, I had every right to be mad," Tobias laughed.

"I was thrown off a building!"

"You were still late."

"I'm not Carter, Tobias I can't run faster than light."

Tobias shook his head and smiled.

"You're crazy."

"You love me anyway," I responded as I walked to my bedroom.


I had been packing my bag for at least an hour. The suitcase was as big as me and filled to the brim with anything I might need in the next week. I didn't want Blaire to feel obligated to give me anything I forgot. She's saved my life enough, the least I can do is not give her anymore chances to risk her life for mine.

"Hey Tobias?" I called out. The bathroom door opened almost immediately. Tobias leaned in the doorway, he was dripping water onto his clean shirt. I assumed he had just gotten dressed after showering.

"Yeah hun?"

"Are you coming with me to Lionsville?"

"Yea I'm already packed, just waiting for you babe," he responded as he pulled his toothbrush out and put it in a little baggie.

"Well I'm done," I responded with a caring smile.

"Okay," he added, "Did you need help taking that down to the truck?"

"Yeah," I responded, "It's pretty heavy."

I had superpowers but Tobias was stronger than me. I mentally face palmed at the fact I needed help.

He easily picked up the suitcase and carried it from my room and out of sight. His bag of toothpaste and toothbrush seated comfortably in his back pocket.

I followed behind him, carrying my white purse on my arm. We walked out the door, down the elevator, and to Tobias's blue pick up truck. His suitcase was much smaller than mine and already in the truck.

He opened the door for me and then gently shut it, making sure not to hit my leg with the door.

"What the heck is in that thing?" Tobias asked as he got in the drivers side door and closed it.

"My entire closet, dresser, and your kitchen," I joked.

He shook his head, "You're crazy."

"Crazy in loveeeee," I drew out while laughing.

Tobias blushed and shook his head while we backed out, "Weirdo."

"You're one to talk stabby mic stab stab," I laughed.

He smiled really big and shook his head at my stupidity.


We pulled into Lionsville about three hours later. It was easily four in the morning. Blaire had told us to pull into the driveway that led to the cabin. Tobias, of course, hated the idea of being near the cabin but ignored his instinct and drove up the driveway anyway.

Blaire walked out of the house and greeted us. A tall blonde guy and an even taller brunette walked behind her. Carter, the blonde, a superhuman who can run faster than light itself, was closer to Blaire then Liam. Liam, the other guy, a superhuman with super strength, trailed behind the two. Carter and Carla are the top two most powerful people in the area and probably the world. Not only are they both extremely motivated and generally nice, but the two tend to flow nicely together.

The two of them are in charge of everything. If anyone else doesnt know what to do, they go to Carter and Carla. It was some agreement that the council had, Act 38 I think. What Carter and Carla say goes. Everyone listens and looks up to them. Madelyn in their only consultant. Madelyn, a super genius, helps them with decision making.

"Hey, so glad you can make it guys!" Blaire gleefully greeted with a smile. Liam grabbed our suitcases and walked into the house.

"What's up with the bodyguard?" Tobias asked Blaire as he stepped out of the truck.

"He's a friend," Blaire explained with a smile. Carter looked unamused, probably at Blaire's open lie towards Tobias.

Carter knows Carla better than anyone. They practically have the same personality, they like the same things, have the same hobbies, and both have a soft spot for dogs.

Tobias doesn't trust any of them since they associate with Carla.

"Follow me, I'll show you to your rooms." Blaire said as she followed Carter towards the cabin.

Blaire guided us up a flight of stairs and to the end of the hall. These will be your rooms. She said as Carter placed our suitcase outside two separate doors.

"Who's rooms are these?" Tobias asked.

"You're sleeping in my room," Carter explained to Tobias.

"And you're sleeping in Carla's room," Carter explained to me.

"Good for you," Tobias scoffed at me.

"Where will you and Carla sleep?" I asked Carter.

"Downstairs in the livingroom," Carter explained.

Tobias nodded and glared at Carter, "So I can't go down to the kitchen without being stabbed?"

"Yeah, she's definitely going to kill you if you come downstairs," Carter sarcastically said, "She'll go full lion mode on you if you even breathe."

"Carter that's enough sarcasm, you already know Carla's going to give him enough," Kathy laughed from her open bedroom door on the other side of the hall. She was laying in bed playing with a puppy.

Kathy, a hispanic looking girl with long curly black hair, was playing with a smudge faced puppy. Kathy was always a sweetheart, not an ounce of attitude in her whatsoever.

"You're right," Carter explained. He took a deep breath and looked over at Tobias, "Enjoy your stay."

"Please, if you need anything, ask. Everyone here is really sweet if you're nice and respectful," Blaire said looking right at Tobias.

We both nodded and Liam, Carter, and Blaire all walked down the steps out of sight.

"I can't believe you are sleeping in her room," Tobias growled as he picked up his suitcase and walked into his temporary room.

"Go to sleep you big bum," I answered and Tobias responded by shutting his door.

A second later, Carla ran up the steps to help me with my suitcase. Before I could say anything, she grabbed my heavy suitcase and dragged it into the bedroom.

"How did you do that so fast?" I whispered.

"I can change everything physical about me in a split second Daisy," Carla responded, "The joy of being able to shift into whatever I want."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"No problem! Thanks for coming, it means a lot that all my friends are here."

I smiled at the fact she considered me a friend.

"I hope Tobias didn't catch on to the lion joke that Carter said," Carla whispered.

I nodded and scrunched my lips as I remembered what Carter said, "I think we'll be okay."