WebNovelFor Love40.00%

chapter 4

The room was dimly lit by just one candle, just enough light for me to see. Carla, undoubtedly, sat in the corner on a chair. She was staring at me, not blinking. The room I recognized as Carla's room, the room I spent the night in last night. Carla had horrible burns on one side of her face, her skin was almost pitch black in some parts. Her piercing deep blue eyes stuck out like a sore thumb in the mess of burns covering half her face. I could clearly see one arm was terribly burned and the other was riddled with large bubbles.

"You're awake," she mumbled as she looked down at her hands. Those too were covered in horrendous burns.

"You're burnt," I answered back. My head was throbbing in pain from the fall.

"Yeah," Carla quietly answered as she softly shut her eyes.

"You're not healed yet," I noticed.

"Yeah." She paused to take a deep breath, "It's healing at normal human speed."

"How bad is it?"

She pointed to the bubbles, "Second degree," then she pointed to the light black skin, "third degree," finally she pointed to her arm, "fourth degree."

"Fourth degree?"

"It is where is burns through the muscle," Carla softly said.

"How's Tobias?"

"Fine," She answered softly, "Sleeping next door with a concussion and minor burns."

"And the dogs?"

"They're fine."

"And me?"

"You're alive aren't you?"


"Liam feels really bad by the way," Carla explained.

"I know he was just trying to save me."

The door slowly opened and Carter walked in, he was holding a container of green stuff and a glass of ice water.

He handed both of them to Carla silently and then left.

"What's that?" I asked.

Carla stood up and handed the glass of water to me.

"This is for you."

"Thank you," I answered.

She nodded and sat back down on the chair.

"Do they hurt?"

Carla shook her head. "No, not anymore."

She started to softly apply the green stuff to her arms and face, after a few seconds it turned clear.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A plant called aloe vera," she explained, "It grows around here, I had to talk to Joey, our doctor, to find out what normal people do with burns. It helps cool and soothe the skin while keeping the skin moisturized."

I nodded, "I've never heard of that."

"Me neither."

A soft knock rapped on the door and then the door slowly pushed open. Tobias slowly walked in, almost hugging the wall. He froze when his eyes landed on Carla. He looked like a deer in headlights as he looked at the girl he once despised, the girl who saved his life despite the fact he hated her.

He looked at her burnt skin, an obvious scar she would bare forever, a price she paid to save a few. He could see that she risked her life for his and the dogs. Tobiad looked at her with an obvious new found respect.

"Rachel is asking for you," Tobias said quietly, choking on his words. His eyes never left Carla's burns.

"She doesn't recognize me," Carla whispered just loud enough for us to hear. For the first time, I saw Carla broken. Heart shattered as if she were a glass plate being dropped from a building. She was legitimately holding back tears. My hero, the woman I strived to be as awesome as, was breaking, and you could hear it in her voice.

"But-" Tobias started.

Carla changed her appearance to Blaire right infront of Tobias. His eyes widened more. His whole facial expression shifted to surprise and guilt.

"She doesn't even recognize me as Blaire!" Carla shouted.

She switched back to Carla.

"My daughter- my daughter doesn't recognize me- recognize me," Carla stuttered through sniffles. She threw her hands over her face and started to bawl. She sobbed, not holding anything back as she cried.

It took two seconds before Carter sped into the room and to her side. He crouched next to her and leaned his forehead into her shoulder to comfort her. He had is right hand in the bend of her elbow and was whispering incoherent words to her.

I looked to Tobias who had silent tears streaming down his face. He had one hand covering his mouth as he cried.

And for once in my life, I realized that being a hero was never due to how strong you are, but rather how well you hide your fears and sadness.