Battle at the shoreline

When we arriving at the shore, wd saw those people in the black is load the cargo. There's alot of egg. And seeing they already turn on the hovercraft, i then command them.

Ryo: Alakazam teleport take all the eggs, Nidorino, Nidorino poison sting. make hole on their hovercraft and Gengar. Do your worst.


Psshhh pshshh pshshs. BOOOMMMMMM


Fuuuushhh booom

grunt: Enemy attack. Intercept them.

When they realizing they are under attack, About half of them already incapacitate. They then send their pokemon down. That mainly is houndoor. That can be found in Johto, Sinnoh and alola, so maybe these clown are from one of those 3 region.

Ryo: Ok guys. The eggs had been saved. Now rampage to your heart content. But remember let only one alive.

After hearing what i said, all of my pokemon are use everything they had. While all the Houndor get command from their trainer, my pokemon didn't need my command.

Gengar while spamming the Shadow Ball, he occasionally use Sucker Punch, Hypnotic and Shadow Sneak. With Alkazam that using Teleport to moving around to disturb those clown battle rythm, He too using a physic and hipnotic to made those clown attacking each other. Nidorina are barraging them with poison sting while occasionaly using toxic spike and spit up toxic. While Nidorino was rampaging with Quick attack, Poison fang, Horn rush.

After the gruesome battle, the survivor outside hurdling each other, While no one survive on the hovercraft because Gengar exploded it. Sewing everything only need a cleaning up, i then looked toward the survivor while thinking few torture method that will made them talk. But that was called of by a sound of helicopter that came from north. Seeing a big R letter on one of the helicopter made me sigh in depression. The only thing in my mind is. My vacation time is up. Time to work.