
"Do you think Sheng would come to the banquet tonight?" asked Song Jinyi. Song Ren growled at how tight her dress was to place on; she then responded, "I would not expect it," as the associate tried to help Song Ren fit into her dress.

They already selected their dresses weeks in advance, but the appointment was to fit into it. Qian Meigui inwardly felt upset at Song Ren's response, but she kept it to herself.

They would expect Song Sheng's absence, even though their parents are returning to the country for this particular event.

They had not seen Song Sheng in two years. Though Qian Meigui used to be close to him, she also felt that the twins had missed their older brother, even Song Ren, but she does not admit to it. Even she missed him. He left with barely a heart-warming departure, and no one, not even the media, had seen him.

He was twenty-eight years old, and he was grown enough for no one to look for him or take care of him. But Qian Meigui felt as if it were unfair since he took care of them for so many years.

Qian Meigui felt unsettled by the thought that he may not come home for a long time, or never at all. But she knew he has to reveal himself eventually, as he must inherit the Pharmaceutical company.

Later in the afternoon, Qian Meigui changed into her dress with Song Jinyi and Song Ren. Song Ren wore a champagne-gold bodice that complimented her hourglass figure, hugging the curves of her body in the right places.

Song Jinyi wore a short baby blue dress that made her look younger. And Qian Meigui wore a dusty-rose lace dress with flared sleeves, making her look smaller than she was.

Song Ren had straightened out her jet-black hair and applied gold eye shadow to compliment her look. After she finished, Song Ren glanced at Qian Meigui and smiled, which did not often happen, "Mei Mei, will you be going to the banquet with your hair like that?"

Qian Meigui frowned and looked away, feeling ashamed. Song Ren smiled warmly again, "No worries; I will do it for you," she continued.

Qian Meigui nodded her head, "Mhm."

In the mirror, Qian Meigui could see Song Ren; she was envious at how straight her hair was and expressed it loudly.

"Nonsense, we all have different styles. I like my hair straight," Song Ren responded while curling the ends of Qian Meigui's hair.

Qian Meigui's hair would be frizzy during hot summer days, and fixing it required time and effort.

"You see, your hair is naturally wavy, and that is your style. I am only tightening your waves so that you don't lose any of what makes you, you and pretty," Song Ren said. Qian Meigui smiled shyly.

She then asked her sister a question that had been on her mind, "Do you believe Song Sheng would not come tonight?"

Song Ren sighed profoundly and responded, "I don't know what to expect from brother; he often keeps things to himself and then reveals things during crucial moments."

Qian Meigui felt that there was a tinge of hurt in Song Ren's voice. Though Song Ren barely showed any signs, as she always composed herself well, just like Song Sheng.

"All right. You are ready," Song Ren announced. Qian Meigui glanced at herself in the mirror and smiled at her reflection.

Song Ren applied light makeup on her, going for a natural look, and her long hair curled into soft waves. She smiled at the thought that she could be as pretty as Song Ren and Song Jinyi.

Song Jinyi barged into the room and said, "Are you two ready—Wow! Mei Mei, you look great!"

Qian Meigui laughed, and Song Ren chuckled as she covered her mouth like a true-born elegant lady.

The three girls then departed with Song Jun, waiting impatiently at the foyer of their mansion. "Ladies, Let's go," he emphasized irritatingly. Song Jinyi then placed at hand over her brother's shoulder and pushed him forward as she rolled her eyes.