Drunk (2)

Song Sheng was fast asleep on the table. Rong Ming searched for Song Sheng's phone and dialled, "Xiao Mei." He was afraid of calling Song Ren because she was not someone to bother or trifle.

A quivering female voice answered the call, tired, "Sheng?" She questioned.

"Hello, Xiao Mei, this is Rong Ming," he said.

"Rong Ming?! It's been awhile."

Rong Ming smiled, "Indeed. I'm sorry to bother you this late in the hour, but Song Sheng is with me. He's drunk and fell asleep. I don't know where he lives."

"Ah, he lives at The Wake Complex," She said.

"....The Wake Complex?" He asked.

"Mhm," Qian Meigui said.

Rong Ming recalled that The Wake complex was for the wealthy and the elite. It would be difficult to go in without being there before.

"Can you meet me at his apartment? I don't want to leave him alone there."

"..." Qian Meigui hesitated before she said, "All right, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Okay," Rong Ming responded before hanging up the call.

Qian Meigui was dressed in an ivory nightgown when she received a call from Rong Ming. She placed on a light jacket with her keys before leaving the house.

It was midnight when Qian Meigui arrived at The Wake complex. She shivered, gooseflesh raiding on her arms from the cold wind. She looked up at the towering building and exhaled.

She entered the building and waited in the lobby for Song Sheng and Rong Ming.

She waited ten minutes before Rong Ming entered with Song Sheng whose head hung loose, his body swaying and staggering with each step.

She waved at Rong Ming who held onto Song Sheng, trying to prevent him from stumbling.

"Xiao Mei?" he questioned. Qian Meigui crossed her arms and grinned. It had been quite some time since Rong Ming had last seen her, a little over three years to be exact. The last time he'd seen Qian Meigui, her lengthy hair kept in simple braids. But now, her hair hung loosely over her shoulders, wavy and unbound.

Her features were sharper, older, more womanly than the girl he knew before.

Qian Meigui frowned at the sight of a half-conscience Song Sheng. She pulled herself under his embrace with his arm over her shoulder to support him.

Qian Meigui pulled his residence card out from his pocket, and security let the three of them in.

They took Song Sheng up is elevator by scanning his residence card. Rong Ming's face flashed with impression for his luxurious apartment. There was European-styled furniture throughout the room.

Qian Meigui pointed at the Italian leather couch, and Rong Ming gently placed him on the sofa to rest. "Thank you," she said to him before running to get a blanket from one of the living room closest. She placed a pillow under his head and positioned him on the side. Song Sheng rested his eyes and appeared to be sleeping.

"It's nice to see you, Song Mei," Rong Ming said. At that, Qian Meigui smiled gently.

Rong Ming thought that Qian Meigui had grown more beautiful, and he figured that it was typical for Song family members, but still, she looked nothing like the others.

"Thank you for coming, I was not sure what to do with him," he said.

"It's no worries," she began. "I'm glad you called. I'll take care of Sheng now," she said.

Rong Ming ruffled her hair, "You're a good girl," he said.

"Woman," she corrected.

Rong Ming smiled and chuckled, "Of course," he said. "I'll be going now, and my wife is waiting for me."

"Tell Sying that I said Hello," Rong grinned and nodded. He waved, and they bid good-bye.

Qian Meigui glanced over at the sleeping Song Sheng. She wondered what made him drink excessively on a work night. She knew they both had to get up early in the morning.