Before They Met

Su Feng watched the entire ordeal between Song Ren and the reporters. He felt anxious and afraid about what the media may do to her. If it were up to him, Su Feng would protect her from the reporters, the same way Song Rui tried to defend his children all these years. But he knew that was not Song Ren wanted; therefore, he stood by and watched her from behind the crowd.

He was impressed by the way Song Ren handled each question, but he was not surprised. Instead, he was mesmerized by her, wholly rooted to his spot, watching as she answered each question with the collectiveness of a professional businesswoman.

He wondered how he got so lucky to be engaged to someone so pure, elegant, and classy. Song Ren possessed the traits of an ideal woman, but he never cared if she fit the criteria. He liked Song Ren because she was supportive of him because she praised his work and efforts; because it was her.

Before they met, Su Feng was a troubled and spoiled kid. He had the potential to do well in school, but his absences and lack of handing in assignments caused him almost to fail. Su Feng transferred schools, when he found out his rival, Song Ren, was the top of the class; he tried to compete with her. They never met, but because they went to the same school, he rapidly improved in his grades.

Su Feng spent days and nights studying until he reached top 5 of his class. His parents finally acknowledged him and wondered what caused him to change, though, he never admitted as to what motivated him. Even he was clueless at the time.

Indirectly, he focused on school because of her. It was most likely the reason they never met sooner. Su Feng attended to her school for nearly a year before they met; therefore, it had to do with locking himself in his room after school to complete study sheets.

After thinking for some time and watching her from his spot, it was clear to him. The man he was today was all because of her. He improved his grades in school, leading him to attend a top university. He was able to graduate in his field and become a businessman, and the heir to Sun Group. His father would have given it to anyone else had he not straightened so rapidly.

"Su Feng," Song Ren called out with a subtle smile.

"Hello, Ren" Su Feng said while approaching her. He swiftly tucked her into a half-embrace. Su Feng held one hand on her waist while the other caressed her cheek, as he stared into her gold-flecked eyes, lovingly. Song Ren leaned into his touch before backing away. Although there were not many people in the lobby, it was still public.

"Why are you here?" She asked curiously.

"Mhm?" He questioned while gazing at her.

Song Ren puffed her cheeks, "Are you listening?" she asked.

Su Feng felt like he was in a daze when he saw her, it took him a few moments to register her words. "Right...sorry. I watched you over the television; then I decided to come here to see you in person. Why didn't you tell me before?" he asked, placing his hands in his pockets.

"It was a last-minute decision," she stated, "but I'm glad you're here," she admitted. Song Ren held her hands together and averted his gaze. A hint of a blush reddened her cheeks.

Su Feng's lips parted open at her reaction, and then his lips curled into a satisfied smile. Disregarding their public space, Su Feng pulled her into a tight embrace. Song Ren was slightly shocked, "What are you doing!?" she asked.

Su Feng began to stroke her head gently. He then bent down and whispered near her ear, "I watched you," he began to say, "and I'm so proud."

Song Ren froze in his embrace. The icebergs surrounding her heart began to melt. Only did Su Feng have that effect on her. She felt warm throughout, and she decided to embrace him back.

"Does this mean that now I can call you my fiancée in public?" Su Feng asked in a soft whisper.

Song Ren glanced up at him. His ice-blue eyes were blazing like glaciers. "Perhaps someday soon," she spoke gently.

Su Feng smiled, revealing his perfect grin. Song Ren was slightly dazed. Did he come to watch and support her? She felt like kissing him despite their public space. She then remembered she was going to a different city with him soon; perhaps then she'll reward him.

"I'm going to pack a bag soon," she proclaimed.

"All right, I'll see you this weekend?" he said before approaching her.

"Why don't we leave tomorrow?" she asked.

Su Feng paused, "Are you sure? It's early."

"Mhm, I'm sure I've been wrapping up my work." Su Feng swiftly tucked her in, leaving a gentle, lingering kiss on her forehead before they parted ways. "All right," he said with a smile.

The two of them smiled at each other, not knowing that someone held a camera from behind the trees outside, snapping photos of the two of them.