He's Family

Song Ren and Su Feng woke up in each other's embrace. Song Ren's eyes flutter opened to see Su Feng staring at her. She instantly flushed. Song Ren tried to escape from his embrace, but he did not let go, clinging to her like a sloth.

"Feng, we don't know what time it is, and we have to get ready to see your family again," she said to him.

Su Feng did not stir. "I want to sleep longer," he said with a deep, exhausted tone of the morning.

"Fine," she responded.

"With you," he admitted.


Song Ren narrowed her eyes. She rose from his embrace, looking for her clothes until she realized something. "Feng!" she said as she tapped her shoulder.

Su Feng rubbed his eyes, "What is it?" he asked.

"I left my suitcase upstairs," she said.


"So?" Song Ren repeated with emphasis, "If your family is awake, they will see me wearing the same clothes as yesterday."

Su Feng smiled wickedly. "Let them think what they want," he said.

Song Ren grabbed one of the pillows and gently hit him with it.

"All right," he began, "they're most likely in the kitchen or drawing-room. I doubt anyone will see you run upstairs."

Su Feng rose from the bed and approached his dresser. In the morning, with the sunlight, she got a better view of his bare chest. She blushed at the memory of running her fingers through them the night before.

Su Feng began to remove his pants and underwear, and she instinctively looked away. Quickly, she picked up her flowy gown and placed it on.

Su Feng was changing into new clothes as Song Ren passed him, about to leave the room. Su Feng grabbed her wrist gently. She halted and turned around.

"You didn't zip the back of the dress," he said. Su Feng zipped her dress back up and kissed the nape of her neck, where the necklace remained. Song Ren gripped the back of her neck as she craned her head and flushed at him. Su Feng smirked at her.

"You can go now," he said.

Song Ren ascended the stairs. She felt nervous returning to her room dressed in the same clothing as the night before.

The grand staircase was right in front of Su Feng's old room. Song Ren tried to walk against the walls in attempting to ascend the marvellous stairs. She heard voices coming from every direction, the kitchen, the drawing-room, the breakfast hall. She was looking at every direction and just when she was heading the staircase, she bumped into someone.

"Ouff," she said. Song Ren glanced up, "Sorry—" It was Su Guiren.

Su Guiren wore new fresh clothing, his hair fell over his eyes, granting her a stunning smile. But his face appeared to be twisted. He glanced at her from head to toes, making her feel uncomfortable. She instinctively covered herself before passing by him.

"I'll see you at breakfast," he said as he walked away with his hands in his pockets.

Song Ren continued to ascend the stairs. The halls were empty; therefore, she was able to run into her room.

Song Ren quickly undressed, heading into the bathroom to refresh herself. She washed her face thoroughly and applied on new light makeup.

She then approached her carry-on to take out an ivory pencil dress. She kept the necklace on, and as she glanced herself in the mirror, she felt warm as she touched it.

After she finished dressing, Song Ren left the room and descended the stairs. Su Feng was waiting for her at the bottom, newly dressed and prepared as well.

They both entered the breakfast hall, where many family members were chatting. Su Yuying ran up to them and greeted both of them.

"Are you doing well?" Song Ren asked.

"Very well," Su Yuying said with a bright smile. Song Ren thought, how can a father hate such an innocent and beautiful child?

They all ate breakfast, and Song Ren felt agitated by Su Guiren's incessant, creepy stare.

After they ate their meals, Su Yuying said, "Today we are all going to the riverside lake to boat and swim," she said enthusiastically.

Song Ren smiled back softly, "Sounds like fun," she said.

Some of Su Feng's cousins drove them to the lake. It was beautiful. The lake had many cascades of waterfalls, and trees that overlapped beyond the horizon. The sun was bright at the moment, and she felt overdressed.

Su Yuying dragged her into a nearby store, and they spent an hour trying on clothes until Song Ren settled for a white sundress with a sunflower pattern. Su Yuying wore a cropped shirt with shorts, wearing her hair in braids.

As they returned, Song Ren found Su Feng by the lakeside preparing lunch with his cousins.

A woman approached them from the side, "Hello, I saw you yesterday, and I want to introduce myself, I am Su Xiaoli."

"Hello," Song Ren said with a smile, "pleasure to meet you."

"Would you like to chat with us?" she asked. Song Ren's lips parted open. She rarely had any friends, and surprisingly, the Su Family were inviting. Was it only his half-brother and parent's that Su Feng had trouble with getting along?

Song Ren glanced at Su Feng, who shot her a reassuring smile and he raised his arm to allow her to go to them. Song Ren then followed Su Xiaoli and Su Yuying to the other women who sat on foldable chairs.

Su Xiaoli introduced her to each of them. They all granted her sweet smiles and greetings. Some of them were the wives of Su Feng's cousins, and other's were directly related to him. When Song Ren glanced around, she caught Su Guiren amongst the men preparing the boat. Su Xiaoli caught her stare and said, "Don't worry about him. We all adore Su Feng; he's family."

After that, Song Ren felt a bit more relaxed.

"So, Ren, you're the president of Song Pharmaceuticals?" asked Su Xiaoli.

"Mhm," she responded.

"How's that like?" they asked eagerly.

"Stressful," she began, "But I love it." She continued, "I like the pressure of deadlines and experimenting products, and launching them. It's a great feeling."

The women smiled at her. "That's so great," Su Xiaoli said, "Thank you for sharing."

For the rest of the afternoon, Song Ren got to know more about the Su Family. She realized that although most of them were rich; they all had good character and intentions.

Su Feng fooled around with his cousins around the lake, and Song Ren genuinely had a good time. She watched him as he had a good time, and she realized he was family, especially to her.