All Eyes Will Be On You

Song Sheng had grown accustomed to long days, to being alone. When he left the country, he knew that he was dangerously conscious of Qian Meigui's beauty and perfect qualities. Who wouldn't be?

He had to escape, so he thoughtlessly left the country, leaving his entire family behind. He knew it hurt them—all of them, but he also knew that it'd left a gaping hole within his relationship between Qian Meigui.

He remembered the day he left. She sat on the couch, looking out the balcony doors, with her arms clutched around her legs, dazed. He picked up his suitcase, glancing at her one more time, exiting the door without much of a goodbye. He didn't want to say goodbye. Otherwise, he couldn't bear to leave.

It was forbidden. The feelings they began to spark were forbidden. In the eyes of everyone around them, they were Song Sheng and Song Mei. But even when they first met, he couldn't think of her as a sister. But he treated her kindly as such.