Close Siblings

Song Ren was in the middle of a conference call when Yang Minzhe walked in, placing a note on her table and leaving without another word. Her secretary knew that he could not disrupt any corporate meetings unless it were an emergency. Song Ren glanced at the note while speaking to executives from overseas. It said in capital letters: SU GUIREN IS HERE.

Song Ren crumpled the piece of paper in her hand, as she maintained her composure while exchanging dialogue with the executives, attentively.

After the meeting was over, Song Ren exhaled deeply, rubbing her temples by her desk. After swivelling around her chair, she reluctantly decided to page Yang Minzhe to let Su Guiren in.

Su Guiren walked in with the arrogance and haughtiness of him.

"Hello, Dr. Song," he said to her, mockingly.

Song Ren smiled grimly, "I'm not a doctor yet," she responded. "Why are you here?"