Criminal Activities

Song Ren returned to Su Feng's home with the new dresses she purchased with its alterations. She wanted to provide him with a show, trying on her clothes, but he wasn't home. She didn't overthink it, so she proceeded to go to the master bedroom and hung them in her closet.

After she finished, she decided to turn on the television. It went to the latest news channel where Sun Group showed up on the screen. The police were arresting some of the members of the board, including Su Guiren and some of his cousins. Cameras flashed persistently at them by the paparazzi.

Song Ren's heart sunk. She ran out of the house, hopping into her car, driving to Sun corporation. When she arrived, her eyes darted around the building. Many police cars surrounded the area. She tried to get into the building when security stopped her. "Ma'am, you cannot get in. Police are investigating the building."