Twelve Years and a Lifetime

It was nearly dark outside; the sky had turned into the colour of raw sienna. Indoors, each room of the house filled with candles and rose petals, leading a trail that ended at the sliding doors. Using the glass of the doors, she noticed her reflection.

Qian Meigui wore a tight thin-strapped red dress that Song Sheng purchased earlier. It was revealing and beautiful. She now understood why Song Sheng did her twice within a short period before she fell asleep again.

Qian Meigui opened the doors, going through as she continued to follow the path. The rose petals and beach sand were soft underneath her bare feet, and her heart fluttered unsteadily. She heard the ocean waves crash against the boulders and the gulls squawked in the distance.

She approached the beach shorelines where Song Sheng was waiting underneath a beautiful canopy that looked like a tent, but vines and flowers entwined the bars and roof. The canopy had a carpeted design of white and gold.