Chapter 2

I was in complete disbelief. Here I was with a group I had just become a fan of, in their company building, being offered a chance to work with them. This was crazy. I just couldn't wrap my head around this at all.

"Hello?" RM said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry. Still processing the whole situation." I let out another nervous chuckle. I still was questioning what I thought was reality. How was this real? How does something like this even happen to something like me?

"Well how about we just walk through some stuff? Get to know each other and the place a little better?" I nodded my head agreeing.

"Well I'm Rowan, and I already know who you guys are." I could feel this nervous smile just plastered on my face as I spoke to them.

"Are you a fan?" Jin asked me and I nodded my head.

"I had heard Mic Drop on the radio back home and looked into you guys. I really liked your music and stuff."

"Hitman said you sang Jimin's solo, do you know Korean or just the one song?" RM asked me.

"I've been trying but I'm just constantly on the go. I'm surprised I got the lyrics correct honestly."

"Well as we go we can work on you learning it and stuff." J-hope told me. "How's your dancing?"

"Trash." I said nervously laughing again.

"Yeah I know how that feels." RM said. "We'll help."


The time I spent at BigHit was really well. I got back to the hotel and told my sister everything. Everything that was said, learned, even meeting BTS.

"Are you gonna do it?" She asked.

"Obviously I want to..."

"But?" I looked at the screen and let out a sigh.

"Are you gonna come out here with me?"

"I mean I can. I'll finish school online."

"If you come out here to help then I'll tell him I accept tomorrow."

"Alright. I guess get the important details and we'll go from there."


Then she hung up because here it was getting late. I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I was really about to uproot my life and move to Korea. I was really going to join a trainee program. I still didn't believe this was real. I got up and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

I stood in the shower, letting the water run over me as I sang Serendipity. Seemed to fit my situation. Came here on vacation and now I'm staying. It was crazy. Some small town nobody from the states.

When I felt I was done I dried my hair and got into my pajamas and laid in bed. All I could do was lay there and contiue to stay at the ceiling some more until I fell asleep.


I woke up and got dressed, brushed my hair, and did my makeup before getting dressed in a plain button up shirt and dark jeans. When I felt I looked well enough I headed to the company building to speak with Hitman.

"So how soon is everything going to happen? Like with my family and such." I asked.

"We'll work on housing before bringing them over and until then I'll put in the dorm with your mentors. How many rooms are needed?"

"Three please."

"Alright. I'll have someone meet with you and get everything else in order. Why don't you go speak with the boys again today. We won't start until we have you moved into the dorms."

"Alright sure." I stood up and someone knocked on the door.

"That would be Namjoon. Come in!" I looked back and saw Namjoon open the door. "Rowan will be with you boys again today. Tonight I also need you boys to figure out the room situations at the dorm."

"No problem Sir. Come on Rowan." I nodded before following him back to the room we were in yesterday.

"Rowan!" All six of the other boys cheered and ran over towards us, tackling me into a hug.

"Thanks guys." I said under the tight, seven person struggle of a hug.

"We're so excited to work with you!" Taehyung said as they all pulled away.

"So how about we check out some vocals. See what we can improve on?" Jin asked.


They took me to one of the recording rooms and I sat inside the booth while the guys were at the control table.

"Alright Rowan what song do you wanna sing for us?" Yoongi asked sitting in the chair.

"I can sing Begin?"

"Ooh! Sing that one!" Jungkook said with a big bunny smile and the other guys agreed.


Amugeosdo eopsdeon yeoldaseosui na

Sesangeun cham keosseo neomu jageun na

Ije nan sangsanghal sudo eopseo

Hyanggiga eopsdeon teong bieoissdeon na na

I pray...."


That was pretty good. You do have a slight transistion issue between some notes but that's an easy fix." Yoongi explained. "Do you rap at all?"

"A bit but eh."

"Ok, we'll work on that later. Do you wanna come out here and have a listen?"

"Sure." I took off the headphones and walked out of the booth and came out to them.

They pressed a button and I listened to what was recored. It was weird hearing myself sing over a recording.

They pointed out the spots they were talking about and after paying attention I was able to hear what they meant. Jin was writing down notes for us to keep track of what to work on. They really were a great help and we hadn't done a lot yet. I was really excited to work with them.