Holy Life Spear

Xing Ping would do almost anything not to train.

They wanted him to learn the Fifteen Stances of the Holy Life Spear Arts. Every single strike with the spear was in opposition to the path he'd taken his twenty-two years of life.

The weather had stopped raining and they were in a vast forest.

Everywhere around them were members of the White Maiden Sect executing their Cultivation Arts and techniques.

Some of them were clearly fighting against the sin of envy, and one seventh of the girls were wearing only white lingerie as they trained in a variety of techniques.

Xing Ping, on the other hand, had taken a new role today in order to escape his spear training.

In the center of the field, he stood with his arms behind his back as fifteen women blushed and approached him with caution and concern.

Xing Ping had signed up to be the testing dummy for their techniques, and he'd even cheered on the last group to aim for his vitals.

Liao Zehi had tried her hardest to convince him to train in the spear arts, and offered him an ultimatum. Either he learn the spear arts or every single girl in the martial field would use him as their testing dummy.

Xing Ping had decided to endure the pain rather than have to learn the arts of Angels.

Devilish Cultivators cultivated through devouring souls into their dantians. Pain, death and greed were all fuel for Devilish Cultivators.

Xing Ping's Soul had come with him when he became an angel.

He stood in the center of the pack of scantily clad ladies and held up his chin as they began to attack.

Ma Shui and Lian Xinyi were in this group. They were both only in the condensation stage and stood no chance of inflicting harm on him.

This curse in Xing Ping's body had truly caused him more harm then he could imagine.

10 attractive women pounded hundreds of attacks into his body, causing the equivalent of the torture of 10,000 cuts.

For three days and three nights, he stood out in the rain enduring attacks from all kinds. It became a sort of a spectacle for the White maiden Cultivators.

A few of the Coalition leaders even started showing up.

On the third day of Xing Ping's role as a dummy, he'd had just about enough of being used as a rag doll.

The anger burning inside of him had only augmented slowly, but had grown into a rage befitting a devilish cultivators. His eyes almost seemed to turn from blue to red. His devilish soul seemed to be trying to break free from the curse.

A shock then traveled up his spine and caused him to fall onto the ground.

A lady, Quan Shu, walked up to him with her sexy shadow casting over his fallen body. Xing Ping got back up and noticed a set of ladies in green robes had appeared.

These ladies were from the Wild Feather coalition, and they all had killing intent radiating out of their bodies.

Underneath their robes were a set of sleek dresses with hand written characters scribbled all over their backs and forearms.

They were different from the girls that had attacked him before. Most of them seemed dainty, and had soft features. On the other hand, these girls looked tough, and almost seemed to give off evil auras.

Xing Ping got excited before Liao Zehi walked in front of him and took the spear off her back.

The Wild Feather Sect had members all above the soul Conjuring Stage, and a few of the ladies were on her level. If Xing Ping took direct attacks from these ten ladies, he might die before he got a chance to blink.

His body was strong, but his soul was weak.

The ten girls seemed overtly content in the fact that the head of the Heart Earth Coalition had stepped up to protect the angel.

Liao ZeXi's was the head of that coalition.

The White Maiden Sect had unofficial coalitions that had been established over the years.

He Shi didn't support it, but eventually let the girls do what they wanted.

The coalitions were very clandish, and fought against other clans. Since Xing Ping was part of Zexi's group, they decided to do everything in their power to take him underneath their paws.

Xing Ping smiled and pushed Zehi to the side. Rushing into the pack of girls, he immediately swung out his fist hoping that shock wouldn't travel up his spine.

All the girls watching screamed with shock at his abnormal behavior. He'd only been standing still for three days, and hadn't even spoken a word.

Nonetheless, at this moment he looked like a jaguar unleashed from its cage. Bloodlust traveled up his eyes before his fist approached Quan Shu's Face.

She happened to be one of the strongest in the group.


"Ah, damn it!" Xing Ping felt a shock travel down his spine, causing him to lose his balance and stumble and flip onto the floor.

However, the girl he'd almost hit watched sweat drip down her face. She'd never sensed such a strong killing intent from any individual she'd come across.

With the two wings on Xing Ping's back, it made him look all the more imposing. She couldn't even use her training in this moment of battle. She dropped to her knees as Xing Ping rolled into the distance.

Once he finally crashed into a tree, Liao Zexi could only arrive by his side to help him up. For the first time in three days, he'd actually received a serious injury.

With a nose bleed, he walked up to the ten pretty ladies in the green outfits, and bowed before returning to his position.

Turning into what seemed like a stone statue, he waited their patiently before Liao Zexi finally had enough. Picking up her spear, she angrily tossed it forward.

It traveled at a compelling speed, and even Xing Ping felt a sense of threat. His body even started to slowly move to the side before he opened his arms and returned back to his place.

Blood shot out of his chest as the spear entered and exited his body. Looking down, the place the hole should've been had already healed.

Saint's bodies had a high healing factor.

Unless Xing Ping lost his head he wouldn't feel any pain.

The girls in the group could only look on in shock as Xing Ping began to scream at the top of his lungs. He finally walked upto the spear and picked it up, angrily smashing at the trees.

"I don't believe it… he's finally practicing the Holy Life Spear Arts first technique… I didn't think he'd ever practice it." Liao Zexi commented, baffled by his nearly perfect technique.

"Perhaps if we take him out to destroy things, it would be the perfect way to train him."

"You really want to keep that thing alive? Aren't you worried what will happen to him when he reaches past the saint rank… The curse only works before the god stage…"

"Shhh… don't let him know that," Zexi said, wiping the sweat off of Quan Shu's face. "He's more evil than I could've ever imagined… Luckily, my niece is still alive…"

Zexi had been hoping to see her niece again in the afterlife.

Knowing she was alive had slowly transformed her into a better version of herself.

Xing Ping had even grown on her, and she began to see potential for his future. However, what Quan Shu said was right. That shock in Xing Ping had its limits.

Quan Shu laughed and got off her knees, fixing her shirt as a fierce gale blew past her. She wouldn't believe a single thing that came out of that reprobate, Ping's, mouth.

"You really believe that your niece is still alive? What if he lied to you? It's not like the curse is full proof. He could've very easily taken advantage of the rules of the curse to his advantage."

"He doesn't know the rules," Zexi started to scowl in anger, taking away her hope would only unleash her fury. "besides, if you talk with him for five minutes, you'll see through every one of his plots. He always got what he wanted so he never learned to lie."

Quan She took the blonde hair out of her face, and turned her back to the destruction.

Xing Ping clearly had enough of holding in his anger and hatred. He didn't even care that he was training, and all he cared about was unleashing his inner rage.

Quan She pointed at him once, and shook her head. "I'll leave you with this, Liao Zexi, a man like that only likes destruction. Why wouldn't he lie to you in order to stop that shock traveling down his back?"

The curse was known about by every women in the White Maiden Sect.

There was massive books about its complexities, but it was possible to use white lies.

This clearly bothered Zexi as her lip began to tremble. Quan She's last 'friendly' parting words were "if her niece was truly alive, she'd be glad to help her get her back."

Nonetheless, Laio zexi couldn't leave the sect.

She'd been left in charge of Xing ping, and had devoted her heart to the White Maiden Sect through years of prayer and self sacrifice.

Pursuing her own desires wasn't important, however, even she started to feel sad as Xing Ping approached.

Wiping the dirt off his face, he went up to Zexi and patted her on the head. With a frown, he looked at her and whispered into her ear.

"I may be a murderer, but I am not a liar. How about you give me permission to kill those girls from the Wild Feather Coalition, and then we can go and get your niece?"