The Exception in Her Life

Sky tried her best to be reserved for the past year, But this man constantly changed her mind with a mere few sentences. She hated it.

Andy replied with little hope in his voice, "Really? Shall I come now?"

Amazed by his urgency, Sky answered, "Yes" and asked, "What time will you reach here?"

"May I meet you in half an hour?"

Without any hesitation, Sky replied, "Sure." and they hang up the call.

She was happy that she would be of some help to him and at the same time, she was curious to know what happened to his job and rest.

She fled to the exit of her office to look for her Assistant Lily and called her aloud. "Lily!?" She asked her to cancel or postpone all her meetings and appointments to tomorrow. Then turned her heels back to her desk.

Startled Assistant Lily took the time to process that the CEO was in a cheery mood for the first time.

She looked through Sky's schedule, rearranged some meetings, and entered the CEO's office with a knock on the door.

She reported a change of schedule and asked if she had to change the executive meeting which will start in 10 minutes.

Sky recalled that she asked to arrange the meeting a few minutes back. She never canceled any meetings after she took over the company.

But today, everything changed because of him, similar to her past days. She wondered if he was still the exception in her life.

Anyway, Sky canceled the meeting for the day which left the executives and assistant flabbergasted.

They talked among themselves but no one dared to question the authority of Sky and they continued with their work.

Sky asked her assistant to submit her current vacancies in the office to her ASAP. Later she continued to complete her work.

She suddenly remembered how she used to be happy just by standing beside Andy and going around the city to check out places.

She did miss him but she missed herself and her smiles, the laughter more. Her excitement, lighthearted conversation, and fun talks were priceless.

The mobile ring jolted her back to the present. She unhurriedly answered the call. "Hey, Andy! Did you reach?"

"Yeah, but the security is not letting me in." Sky could hear the embarrassment in his voice.

She didn't expect him to ask for her at the security. She calmly responded, "I'm sorry, I don't usually have visitors so they may have thought you are a paparazzi." 

She paused when signing on a file. Then she added, "Give me a minute, I will send someone to fetch you up." She hung up the call after hearing his response. 

Sky dialed her assistant but Lily was not at her desk. Since it was lunchtime she decided to go by herself.

She turned off her laptop, took her mobile, and bag, and left her office.