Because of Him

David was already in a foul mood. He couldn't calm himself after hearing Lily. He yelled again, "No, I'll not allow him to be your secretary, I can't let him be your side. Sky! Do you get that?" Behind the fury, he was worried about his daughter and her broken heart.

Sky looked rather calm. She expected David to react worse. "Dad! Don't shout. It's not good for your health." She pointed at the couch so that they could talk, "Take a seat, have some water."

David was further agitated by her plain behavior. "Call the security right now, throw him out of this building. I'll never allow him to work here."

Sky breathed out softly. How to calm the person who wasn't ready to listen to her?

David grabbed the glass from Sky's hand and splashed the water on Andy. He broke the glass on the floor, venting his frustration on it.

Sky lost her cool right there, "Dad, that's enough." her voice sharpened. "He will start working here soon. You can't stop me from doing this."

Andy gathered himself from the shock. He interjected, "Sky, don't fight with your dad because of me. I.. I'll manage." He was ashamed.

By the end of his sentence, David's expression was ugly. He hates how Andy speaks like a gentleman when he wasn't, "You jerk, it was all because of you she loses her mind and fights with me."

David swung his cane to hit Andy, and Sky held it. She could understand her father's ire. He has to understand her too, "Dad, he helped me and took care of me when I was with him. Shouldn't I repay his kindness?"

David started laughing with a sinister look. His daughter was too kind to look at goodness. David asked her, "Sky, should I help you repay the suffering you went through because of him?"

Sky knew what her father meant. She knew her father could be ruthless to Andy. Especially for making her go through a hell of a life.

She took a breath and slowly said, "If I don't have the power to appoint a secretary for me, I don't have to be CEO of this company anymore." 

She left the cane from her grip and went towards her desk as she added, "I'll resign." She knew this way would work on her father and she never liked to be controlled by David.

"You... you" David slumped back to the couch and stared at Andy.

'Why did this chap appear now to ruin everything?'

He narrowed  his eyes at Andy, 'What is so special about him that makes my daughter go against me every time?'

David had many thoughts in his mind. He composed himself soon and stood up, "Fine, you do as you please. if I see you cry again…" 

His voice turned dangerously cold. He moved in front of Andy, and made eye contact with him, "I'll make this jerk's life a living hell." He said through his teeth and meant every word he uttered.

"Dad!" Sky stopped him from scaring Andy. 

David waved his hand and exited. If he stayed any longer, he doubted losing his control and killing that jerk.

Andy looked at Sky with a depressed look, "You don't have to do this for me." He glanced at the door, "I'm sorry you fought with your father." 

"Don't worry," When she decided to help him, she knew the consequences, "And sorry about the clothes, I'll ask someone to get you a set of clothes."

"No… No... It's okay" He shook his head and dusted his shirt as if it could dry sooner.

Sky ignored him and called her Assistant through an intercom, "Come in."

Lily entered the office after a knock and went up to Sky. "Ms. Sky?"

Sky instructed while typing on her laptop, "Prepare an appointment letter for him as my secretary and get him a set of fresh clothes. you can...."

Andy cut her off, "I'll also be your driver." He waved both hands together and naively continued, "No need to pay me for that."