Your boyfriend is very lucky to have you.

Both entered the shop, a saleswoman approached them. "Welcome to Valentino, How may I help you?"

Sky pointed at Andy, "We are looking for business attire for him."

"Would you like to get customized or will you buy ready suits?"

"When will we get a customized suit delivered if we book today?"

"Within a week we will deliver it to your address and you can have your name hand-embroidered inside your suit pocket or your initials stitched onto the left side of your shirt."

"Sounds good." Sky turned towards Andy, "Let's select a suit style."

Saleswoman handed her a catalog and left them for privacy."

After a few minutes, they selected 2 styles and informed saleswoman. She later took the measurements of Andy and asked for names or initials.

"I don't want any name or initials on them.", he looked uninterested in it.

Sky pouted, "Apathetic". She turned towards saleswoman, "Name is Andy, 'A N D Y'."

"and for initials..." Sky glanced Andy and said "AS." she repeated 'AS Andy Savanna' in her mind a few times.

Andy heard the initials and didn't give much of a reaction.

Before billing, they bought few formal wears for Andy on Sky's constant pestering and Sky went to billing desk to pay and give an address for delivery. It was because he didn't have formals and she knew he would lie if she asks.

The saleswoman asked her information, "Miss, the name for billing?"

"Sky Harley."

"Address and Contact information please.", Sky gave Harley company address and her number and gave her card for payment.

Saleswoman processed the payment and smiled "Ms. Harley Your boyfriend is very lucky to have you."

"Uhh" Sky raised her brow for the saleswoman assumption.

"AS, Andy, and Sky." Sky didn't feel the need to explain to the saleswoman. She collected her card and left Valentino.

Andy thanked Sky many times which displeased her. "No bonus for you this year, I have already spent your bonus." She stuck her tongue out and pointed at shopping bags.

He smiled as he tousled his hair. They reached their car and kept the bags in the car trunk and sat in the car.

Sky insisted on dropping Andy first before she returns to her place. Andy gave the direction to his place which was in a small alleyway.

"Do you really stay here?"

"I can only afford to stay here". Both got down, Andy collected the shopping bags and looked at the puzzled Sky.

"Since I got a job in your company probably I may afford better places now." He said with a beautiful smile on his face.

"Sorry, our company only provides an apartment for high-level management. But I can arrange a place for you temporarily near the office? This place is quite far for you to the company."

Andy shook his head, "We have to work hard to get what we deserve. I will manage it. I am already very thankful for the job and helping me when I needed."