Only a few know her real identity

Laughter could be heard from another side, "Child, Mr. Harley will kill me if I ask you to leave the company."

Sky laughed, "Mom, Don't worry, I will save you from Mr.Hardheaded."

"Silly girl, When are you coming? Your brother Laron's's birthday is on Saturday, He is adamant that he will not celebrate without you."

"I remember it, mom, Tell my dumb brother that I'm coming." Sky mischievous voice sounded.

"Good kid"

"Mom, Is there anything else?"

"Nothing Sky, I will hang up now. Continue your work. Take care."

"Ok Mom, See you soon. Mwa". After talking with her mom,

She was only close with her mom, After talking with her, Sky looked more relaxed and went back to work after asking for table cleanup.

Since she had a dinner date with her dad the next day, She started doing her work faster to go shopping to buy a gift for Laron.

She finished her work soon by half-past four and headed out.


Lilly and Andy were doing their work when they saw Sky exiting her office. Both stood thinking they may have any work to do. Both greeted, "Ms.Sky"

"I'm leaving for the day. If anything urgent pops up, give me a call." She said as she walked forward.

"Sure Ms.Sky", Lilly responded and sat down.

Andy wanted to ask if he has to drive her home but dropped the idea by looking at her cold demure and returned to his work.

Just like that, Andy's first day at the office completed.


In the mall

Sky drove to the nearest mall and strolled inside thinking about what to buy for her brother.

She saw a camera shop and decided to buy a good camera as he liked photography. She went through many models and their specification and selected one.

She asked to gift wrap it. She paid and came out of the shop.

Then she bought a set of clothes for her foster parents and brothers as per their preference.

By the end of her shopping, she had many bags in her hand. Feeling tired she went into a restaurant to catch a breath and have dinner.

Since she was alone, she didn't take a private room and sat on an empty table and left her bags on another side.

A man who was sitting opposite to her table noticed Sky and recognized her but in doubt, he went to talk to her by excusing himself from the lady who was sitting with him.

"Sky Barton?" He asked in a questionable look.

Sky was known as Sky Barton to many and only a few close people know her real identity.

Sky saw him approaching her and recognized him, "Karl Milet! Long-time"

"I guessed it correct, You look completely different. You look good." He gave her a thumbs up.

She smiled and remained silent.

"Hey, since you are alone, why don't you join us? come on."