Aren't you the cold-blooded CEO now

Jai noticed her line of sight and joked to lighten the mood. "You ruined this shirt so that I can wear the shirt you brought. Not a bad idea."

Both chuckled looking at each other. Jai wiped her face. "Go wash your face. I can't see your panda face. I will see what Loran's doing."

Sky pouted and went inside the bathroom.

Jai sighed deeply. He never doubted her abilities but he was worried about how she would manage that big company. He asked the maid to clean the room and returned to his room to change.

Both didn't notice there was somebody near the door hearing their conversation.


In Loran's room

"I'm not calling many, so don't miss to come."

"Okay then see you soon."

Loran hung up the call and started searching another number to call. He heard the breaking of things from the opposite room. As he realized it was from Sky's room, he jumped on his feet to reach.

When he reached near the door, he heard Sky's voice and halted.

"Brother Jai! listen to me." Her voice was hoarse.

"Shoot" Jai's voice was sharp.

"He is just my secretary now. I helped him because he took care of me for many years. I am just repaying him. He is no more than a secretary. I will not let him influence me again."

'Secretary? he took care of me for many years!' Andy Gill! Loran clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. He wanted to go in ask many questions. He controlled himself and stood still.

Later he heard Sky's sobbing. His heart ached for her. He went back to his room and started pacing around.

'Andy Gill, You haven't learned yet? I will teach you a lesson this time. You just wait.' He punched the wall hard and stood near the window.

He wanted to warn Andy, But he prioritized Sky's mood. He finished calling his friends and went to look for Sky.

She was sitting near Floor to ceiling window thinking what to prepare for Loran. She heard a knock on the door. She turned to look at the door.

"My dumb brother has manners too. Come in." Loran approached her and sat next to her facing the opposite side.

"When did you start knocking on my door to come in?" She raised her brows and asked curiously.

He saw her gaze, "Aren't you the cold-blooded CEO now? you must be used to it. So I am courteous."

By the time he finished, Sky held his ear and started twisting. Even though he wasn't in much pain, he started to wail. He felt contented that she noticed the changes in his behavior.

"Am I your CEO? Don't act too smart. What's going on in your little head."

Loran held his ear and grinned. "So you are only the cold-blooded in the office and My super cool sister in the home."