waiting for you

"Hmm, what is it?"

Sky looked around, "I will reach in half an hour."

"Postpone meeting to ten o'clock, order two sets of breakfast."


Sky hung up the call. Tied her hair looking at the mirror and started working on her laptop.

They reached the office at five minutes to nine. Andy got down and passed the keys to security to park and opened the door for Sky.

Sky got down with her laptop and walked towards the elevator. Andy followed closely behind.

Employees who were walking in, Greeted her.

Sky entered the elevator and turned around, Seeing Andy standing outside, "What's wrong? Why are you not coming in?"

"CEO designated elevator."

"Get in!" Sky said it more like ordering.

Andy went in and pressed the last floor button.

"If you are coming or going with me, you can enter the elevator." Sky said nonchalantly.

"I got it, Miss.Sky. Thank you" Andy lowered his head.

After exiting the elevator, Lilly greeted Sky and followed behind her inside the office and reported about some information and meetings.

"Ms.Sky, Breakfast is kept on the table. is there anything else?" Assistant Lilly asked.

"Nothing, You can go now. Andy, take your breakfast." Sky said as she moved towards the coffee table.

Andy took one take away bag, "Thank you Ms.Sky." And he left the office after serving her coffee.

Just like a previous working day, that day also completed. Sky finished her work after half an hour of working time and went out.

"Ms.Sky." Andy stood up and greeted.

Sky paused and frowned, "Why are you still here post working hours?"

"I was learning about something and waiting for you."

Sky mouth twitched, "If anything, You should come in and report me. Unlike waiting for me."

"Sorry, Ms.Sky. It's not about work-related. I have a bag in your car trunk. I will collect and move."

Sky furrowed her brows, "You should have asked the key. Anyway, come down and collect your bag."

"Yes, Ms.Sky." Andy hurriedly turned off his computer, caught up with Sky and entered the elevator with her.

Sky used her phone in the elevator, Andy quietly stood aside. As it reached the parking lot, they moved towards the car, Andy took his small black bag and thanked Sky.

"Thank you, Ms.Sky." And he started going out of Parking.

"Get in the car" Sky ordered and took the driver's seat.

Andy took a shotgun seat, "Ms.Sky, It's early and I will get the bus easily."

Sky drove out of the parking and parked behind a cab. "I have booked a cab for you, You can go now."

"Ms.Sky, That's not required. I will go on the bus." Andy felt embarrassed.

Sky turned towards him, "It's a pre-paid cab. I have already booked it. If you still don't want to take, then your wish."