Am I Scary?

"Yes, Ms.Sky." After the call ended, Andy asked everyone to come to the last floor to meet the CEO.

Sky heard a knock on the door after some time, "Enter."




Fourteen team members and Andy came in, greeted her and entered the office.

Sky stood up, "Feel free, Have seat wherever you can." Sky moved towards the side of the table and leaned on the table.

"Thank you for your hard work past a week. You all worked on these ideas, so you may think one is better than another one, so which one do you feel as good?"

One of the employees raised his hand and spoke, "Ms.CEO, Are you selecting the new plan with us now?"

"Kind of, but I will go through the reports and will decide." Sky answered him.

There was long silence in the office. "Should I consider none of the ideas are good to go from your silence?" Sky broke the silence and asked.

She got to know they were hesitant, to lighten the mood she joked on herself, "Am I scary to talk? I thought I look okay."

Everyone laughed at her remarks, "Oh, I will not fire you even if you yes."

Looking at her being friendly, They relaxed and started giving their opinions.

"I think developing the application has a good scope in this internet era."

"Harley is already in Diamond jewelry, Electronics, and Construction. So I think, the Fashion industry will be good."

"Media and entertainment industry is also blooming area."

"Garment or Textile industry, Local best quality clothes are hard to find."



Sky heard their reasoning and nodded to them. Out of ten, They were supporting four industries. Sky then turned towards Andy, "No suggestions from you? What do you think?"

"Ms.Sky, From the customer's point of view, I think Fashion and textile industry are good plans."

"Why not application development?" Sky asked him.

"Pardon me if I say anything wrong If we develop an application for our product like diamond jewelry, We don't buy them weekly or monthly. Electronics, We don't change them regularly either and property booking goes the same way." Andy saw everybody sitting quite and didn't continue talking.

Sky nodded and didn't say anything, A team member kept his point of view. "Even though Secretary Andy is correct, Our products are available in other e-commerce application, So why not we have our own platform."

Sky spoke after mulling over things. "Thank you for your feedback. Let me decide and will confirm next week with directors and others."

Everyone nodded, Sky continued, "Let's come to the main point of this meet. What rewards are you guys expecting?"

Everybody cheered, "Yay."

"How about Lunch with President?"

"Team outing?"

"Themed party?"

"Paid leave?"




The list went on, Seeing them giving different reward ideas, Sky remembered how she was in her college days.