Leave my hand

"Website management will make it easier for us to work on the application. We can kick start the e-commerce business of electronics followed by jewelry."

"Once we gain the trust of the customers on our quality of fashion apparels, then they will shop online. So our main focus will be on outlets first."

After Sky finished talking, Conference room fell silent. She let them analyze of waited patiently.

Attendees anatomizing the report and dexterous presentation of the CEO. Vice-president broke the silence. "Well done Sky, I support your idea."

"Me too"

"Me too"

In an instant, everybody in the hall raised their hand to support Sky. She gave a faint smile and followed up the next steps.

"We need a more detailed report on this regarding design and development, manpower and other resources to present in the shareholder's meeting. You can use this report for further planning. Legal team, Be ready with the paper works...."

Sky ordered some more details about it, "Deadline to finish this will be the last working day of this week. Next week we can look if we need any changes in it. Any questions?"

All shook their heads. "Okay then, Thank you for your hard work, Meeting dismissed." Sky stood up and went out with her Secretary and Assistant.

"Congratulations Ms.Sky for successful completion of the first stage." Assistant Lilly admired Sky courage and fast reflexes.

Sky nodded, "Lilly, Be Prepared, we will have a lot to do."

Sky worked very hard sacrificing her many day's sleep for the success of diamond jewelry business., So starting these would also be challenging.

"Sure Ms.Sky, and this time we have one more hand to work on all these." Lilly glanced at Andy.

Sky understood and gave a nodded as she entered her office. Andy followed behind Sky and kept a takeaway bag on the table.

"Ms.Sky, Your lunch, I ordered a chicken steak, smoked kidney bean salad, and a bowl of soup."

"Oh, is it lunchtime?" Sky checked the time. "Thank you, Andy."

Andy smiled and went out. When he went near the desk, Lilly approached him, "Andy, Can we go for lunch together? Don't reject saying your stupid reasons again."

Lilly was trying to get close to him but he always kept their relation to work. He always rejected her for lunch, dinner and even to go out for a coffee.

"I have ..." Before Andy could finish, Lilly dragged him towards the elevator.

"I'm not listening to any of your excuses today, Come with me, I will not eat you."

Andy's mouth twitched, "Fine, Leave my hand."

Lilly left his hand and looked at him bashfully, "Sorry!"

When they entered the elevator, Lilly clicked on the ground floor button, "We will have lunch outside today. A new restaurant is opened at the corner of this road. I heard their food is very tasty"