
Jai continued, "If you are testing my little sister if she is void of any emotions due to her past. you may know how she is with us. She doesn't have to care about people who don't matter to her."

Jai's eyes were red by the end of his talk due to anger and glared at him. The office fell silent for a few seconds.

"Mr.Jai, we underestimated you. You are a smart man." Peter broke the awkward silence.

Sam crossed his arms and looked at Sky, "But still, we are guarding a dumb woman."

"How dare you?" Loran burst out.

Sky swiftly took the glass of water which was on the table and motioned to throw the water on Sam. Sam noticed it and dodged.

But before he could realize the first movement was just a motion of her hand, water splashed on his face and clothes.

The other three men stood dumbfounded. Jai's lips curled up and patted her shoulder proudly.

Loran grinned ear to ear. "Psychiatrist and military. one profession to read mind and the other one train you for being swift. Tch, both failed you. Brainless." Loran used his vicious tongue.

"Oops. I just slipped. Get the hell out here with your fickle brain. I don't want my place to be dirty."

Sky swore at him with a faint smile and threw the glass near his foot which broke into hundreds of pieces.

Sam wiped his forehead with his finger. "Interesting." He then turned towards Peter, "Let's go."

Once they left the room, Sky slumped back on the couch, "I have no more energy."

"Sister Sky, you were amazing." Loran burst into laughter.

Jai smiled, "Loran, tell Andy to send someone to clean this up and change the Carpet too."

Loran went out to call. Jai sat next to Sky. "You did it well."

Sky leaned on his shoulder, "Brother it was soo tiring."

"Rest for some time in the room. I will wake you up for lunch then you can continue your work."

Sky went to her room and lay down. Jai closed the door and went out of the office.

Sky woke up at lunchtime. She had lunch with her brothers. Checked the endorsement papers.

After Jai signed the papers, they bid goodbye and left. Sky continued her work in the office.

When it was almost time to leave work, Andy entered with a few more files for Sky signature.

"Ms.Sky, we need your signature on these files."

Sky looked at the heap of files and her head started throbbing.

"Andy, can you help me separate urgent files?" Sky asked for his help.

"Sure Ms. Sky" Andy started his work and made three stacks faster.

"Ms.Sky, these we need tomorrow by afternoon. these by the end of tomorrow and these we have time." Jai pointed to each stack and explained it.

Sky sighed. "Can you help me keep these in my car?" She pointed at one stack which was very urgent.

Sky checked the time on her watch, "I will leave after ten minutes."

"I will come after ten minutes and help you." Andy went out after saying.

Sky finished the pending file, tidied her table. Andy helped her to carry the file to the car.