How dare you send him off?

Following days were the busiest days in Harley. Harley planned to announce their new business on the day before the weekend. So that they can have a greater number of customers during weekend and can receive more reviews on it.

Sky reviewed all designs the newly appointed designers designed, manufactured clothes and it's quality. she was quite satisfied with the outcome of the design department.

Sky personally checked the outlets in malls of the capital city and other important cities in the country.

On the day of the photoshoot, Jai Came to the capital early morning and went to Harley mansion. The photoshoot arranged in the Harley, hence he left to the company with Sky.

Sky returned to her work whereas Jai went to a different floor for the photoshoot. Since Jai was alone without any assistant by his side, Sky sent Andy to help him out.

During lunchtime, Sky went to check on the progress of the shoot. As she entered the studio, she noticed a female trying hard to get Jai's attention.

She was wearing one of the Harley designed a short dress in red color, loosely curled hair. She looked delicate and fragile with a smile on her face.

Sky furrowed her brows and approached them. Andy noticed Sky, nodded at her to greet. Sky went to him, "It's lunchtime, Go and have your lunch."

"Ms.Sky, Shall I order lunch for you?" Andy asked in a low pitch voice.

"Nope, You carry on."

Andy bowed his head and was about to leave when they heard a female voice.

"Hey, you! where are you going? Go, get us lunch."

Sky and Andy turned towards the source of the voice.

"Ms.Han, Shoot manager already arranged lunch for you there. Feel free to have your lunch." Andy politely answered and pointed at the side where crew members were having lunch.

"You mere assistant, How dare you to talk back to me? You want us to have lunch with them. Go and get us lunch now." Ms.Han was rude.

Sky saw her. Ms.Han was in formals and standing behind the female who was also a brand ambassador of the Harley fashion.

Sky comprehended her as an agent of the female. She gestured Andy to leave and turned towards them.

The agent noticed Sky cue to Andy and stomped her feet looking at Andy who exited the studio.

"You! How dare you send him off? Now, you go and get lunch for us." Ms.Han's voice got fiercer.

Sky calmly went towards her. "I don't think, either I or he is obliged to serve you."

Jai heard her voice and turned towards her. "Sky!"

Sky smiled at him, "Let's go and have lunch."

Jai's cold attitude turned gentle when he saw Sky, Lady who was trying to get his attention knitted her brows looking at Sky.

Ms.Han failed to notice the interaction between Jai and Sky. She just looked at Sky, Sky was in a white shirt and trousers. assumed her as an employee in the company and snorted.

"You mere employees of the company. I will complain about you two and make sure you get fired."