Can't you behave like a normal human being?

Peter kept an ice pack on the table, "Ms.Sky, Use this."

"Thank you." Sky thanked him.

Andy was stunned. 'How did they get to know? Sky told them?' He thought to himself.

"Are you guys protecting me or keeping an eye on me?" She rolled her eyes on went back to work.

Sam noticed Sky still doing her work and not using the ice pack. He stepped forward and grabbed the ice pack. He went towards Sky and turned her chair. He pulled her up and dragged towards the couch.

His actions were very swift, Before she could react, She was on the couch and the ice pack was on her palm pressed down by Sam's hand.

"Can't you behave like a normal human being?"

"Can't you take care of yourself before caring about others." Sam gave a disdainful look to Andy.

"What's wrong with him? Does he behaves like this with you all?" Sky asked Peter who was sitting and enjoying looking at them.

"Nope. Only you are the lucky one." Peter's lips curled up and laughed.

Sky rolled her eyes, "Are you sure he is mentally stable?" Sky pointed Sam and asked Peter.

Peter started laughing, "Don't worry, He is just repaying you back."

"Repaying me? Isn't I'm the one to repay for his help." Sky confusedly looked at Peter and Sam.

"What he helped you is just child play for him. What you.." Peter couldn't finish what he wanted to say.

Sam who was concentrated on her hands and ice pack paused and glowered at Peter, "Peter."

Peter gestured as if he zipping his lips and stood up. "I will leave then. Take care of Ms.President"

Sky watched Peter leaving the office. Andy silently watched Sam and Sky without making any sound.

"I can do it myself." Sky tried to pull her hand off from his hold.

Sam held it tighter, "Can you really sit holding this without doing anything else?"

"Of course." Sky said nonchalantly.

"You can't even sit for five minutes without doing anything even if you don't have any work. As soon as I leave, You will run to your desk."

'Yeah, He is right. This idiot is watching me from one year, of course, he will know.' Sky pouted.

"By the way, Peter said something that you are repaying me! You are the one who helped me, I should be the to repay right?" Sky noticed his face the first time from so near.

Sam's head was lowered, She could see his long eyelashes, his pursed lips formed a thin line and chiseled face. A black diamond stud dazzled on his left ear. She felt like checking his right ear to know if he has the stud.

Her train of thoughts broke when Sam replied. "You don't have to know."

"So you mean, I have helped you and you are repaying me. Then why don't I remember you? If not because of Loran, probably I never would have seen you and Brother Jai wouldn't have told me."

Sam raised his head, "Ms.Sky, We always thought you don't talk but after seeing you with your brothers, We got to know that you talk to the one you are close."