I will arrange people to guard you 24X7

"Oh. Then how did you know I went to Mountain Den?" She asked curiously leaving Sam fuming.

Sam gritted his teeth, "Mr.Harley took mayor's permission to check traffic cameras. Since I had no time, I hacked it and checked."

"Dad knows about this? Sh*t, He will lecture me." Sky held her forehead with her right hand.

"Oh yeah! When you got permission to check the traffic cameras, why did you hack? If you wanted to hack, what's the need of their permission?" Sky was very curious.

Sam's furrowed his brows, "Is that important now? We have arranged a customized low-end car for you, take that from next time if you want to go to such places."

Sky's brows twitched, "Why do you spend money like water? Even drinking water is costly now."

Sam pursed his lip, 'Being Harley, She is thinking about money. Idiot.'

"If you don't want me to keep security cameras inside the house, you better use that. And yeah, Don't be over smart and dress like a maid."

Sky giggled, "So you thought me as maid taking Butler's car and ignored in the beginning? So my disguise was a success"

'I badly want to strangle this woman.' Sam thought to himself.

"By the way, Is this the main reason that you and Peter came to my office?"

Sam nodded, "I will leave." After saying he left the office.

Then after thinking over, Sky decided to call her Dad. As soon as he received, He started his chiding which went on for ten minutes. Once he calmed down, Sky spoke.

"I'm a sorry dad. I will not do it again. Don't take tension too much. I am fine. okay?"

"You wretched lass. If you dare to do it again, I will arrange people to guard you 24X7." David said it seriously.

"Oh Dad, I don't like hell. I will listen to you. Happy?" Sky knew he was capable of doing what he said.

"Go back to work and stop wasting my time."

"Bye Dad." Sky hung up the call and relaxed.


It had been a month after the establishment of Harley fashion. She received the reports about sales, marketing, reviews, and production.

After going through the report, she asked to arrange a meeting for it. After going through everything, she pointed out a few issues.

"How are the reviews of customers on cloth and their design?" Sky asked heading the meeting.

"Ms.Sky, Customers are liking the designs and clothes. Except for a few people's negative reviews, we are good at customer's end."

"How are you handling the negatives? Have you contacted them?" Sky asked another question.

"Yes Ms.Sky, We already resolved it." Director replied.

"We have negative reviews about outlet in B city? Is that resolved?"

When Sky went through the reports, She noticed that the sales are very low in B city than the cities which are not well off. Later she checked reviews and identified negative reviews are about the management of the outlet.

"We have sent a person to resolve it."

Sky nodded and asked. "Any other problems?"

Nobody said anything, Hence Sky continued, "The design department will get a bonus this month. Thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you Ms.Sky." The design department director thanked her. Other department directors looked at her enviously.

"Ms.Sky, Our chief designer has a request." The design department director said as she clutched her hem of the dress anxiously.

"Go ahead." Sky calmly looked at the director.