We are being trailed

"That lady said you are penniless so I thought... I'm sorry I will do it now." Salesgirl understood she shouldn't offend them and finished swiping the card and bowed, "Thank you for shopping."

After coming out, Sky took her phone and called Peter, "Hey Peter, Come Upstairs, We will have..."

Sam snatched her mobile, "Get the car near the entrance." Then he hung up the call before returning the mobile to Sky.

Sky glared at him for an explanation, "We will have lunch in the hotel itself." Sam replied faintly.

Sky furrowed her brows and stuffed the shopping bag to his hands and walked ahead of him. Sam shook his head resignedly and followed her.

When they reached near the car, Sky sat behind, Sam went near the driver seat and opened the door, "I will drive."

Seeing his serious look, Peter changed his seat to shotgun without questioning. She didn't notice and called her secretary.

"Andy! Send out an mail to concerned departments about canceling the contract with the manager of B city, City mall outlet. Fire all the salesgirls too. I want everybody new and experienced. Three days everything should be done."

Then she hung up the call and drank some water. she realized Sam was driving fast. "Why are you driving so fast? slow down."

Seeing Sam ignoring her, she called him out, "Samuel Cox."

"We are being trailed." Peter replied.

"What? Who will know my identity in B city?" Sky was curious rather than scared.

Peter looked at Sam, Sky looked at both of them. Sam finally spoke.

"Dragon gang leader was kicked into groin by Our Ms.President." Sam said.

Sky was taken aback, "You must be mistaken. Why will a gang leader sit in the mall?"

Peter looked at Sky, "She is so tiny, he can use his one hand to control her."

"Watch the video of how she broke the bones of a built man." Sam threw his tab to Peter.

"And Miss. President, You have your mobile right, check yourself about that gang leader." Sam was irritated.

"What the hell? When I kicked him, You were gentle and happy, Now you are irritated." Sky pouted and used her phone to check.

"Is it a Black dragon gang or flying dragon gang?" Sky asked as she checked mobile.

Peter burst into laughter.

Sam slammed on the brakes. "Do you even have common sense? If they were Black dragon gang or flying dragon gang, you would be a dead piece of meat by now."

Sam was angered by the traffic in the B city which made him difficult to escape from their trail. That anger he released on Sky by shouting.

Peter stopped him, "Sam, Watch out".

His sudden burst frightened Sky and her eyes were filled with tears. When she checked as a dragon gang, she saw two gangs name hence she asked them.

She bit her lower lip and saw outside, they were in front of the hotel. She took her bag and got down from the car.

Peter and Sam saw her and quietly followed her. Sam instructed Peter, "Get Harley's Jet to B city ASAP, we have to leave. and prepare a backup too"

Peter made a call and arranged everything when they were in the elevator. Sky listened to them but didn't say anything.