You are freezing

Cops took all the gang members and leader under control and three cars left. Sky stepped front and went forward.

Sam and others looked at each other in confusion. None of them called the police.

How come they came now?

A middle-aged man approached Sky, "Ms.Harley, How are you? Are you hurt?"

"Thank you! Deputy Chief. I'm fine. My people are hurt." Sky shook her hand with him.

"Mobile clinic will be here in five minutes." He respectfully replied.

"I'm very grateful for this. If your department needs any kind of help anytime, please let me know." Sky thanked him heartfully.

"This mobile has a record of this incident. Do we have to stay back to give a statement or anything?" Sky asked.

"No need Ms.Sky. We will handle those bastards. You can go back to the capital." The deputy police chief was very courteous.

Soon the mobile clinic came. She turned towards Peter. "Peter, get all treated."