You are too lazy to go out.

"My little girl, drink little water and then continue." David said dotingly.

"Who wants to continue talking to you, Didn't I say you to go." Sky realized her throat was dry and took water to drink.

"Fine then, You work. I will see you at home." David stood up to leave.

Sky's stomach rumbled at that time, She bit her lip turned to her dad, "Why are you abandoning me now? Take me out for lunch."

David laughed at her before saying, "What will you do sitting with an old man? Go, call your friends and go with them."

"Dad, Will you take me or not?" Sky scrunched her brows and looked at her.

David sighed deeply, 'Then she cried for losing one person, now she doesn't care about anybody other than few.'

A softhearted human turned into a coldhearted one and the reason was broken trust.

"Do I have to babysit you now? Let's go."