I'm going to beat the sh*t out of you

Sky's heart ached when she heard AG. 'Then how did this happen.'

David continued, "I got to know on the third day that Loran was here. By the time I reached here, Alex had rejected him. I brought him to meet Alex. He gave a second chance to Loran. Loran explained everything then Alex agreed. Later I told him that the sister Loran talked about is you! So Alex was even more excited to meet you."

"So that's why the label on this dress is 'Sky'."

Sky noticed the label when she tried the dress for the first time. She thought it as a tag. When she tried the second dress, it had AG label. But she didn't think too much about it.

Then she took her mobile from the bag and dialed Loran's number. Loran didn't pick the call. She tried again, he didn't pick.

When she was about to retry again, David stopped, "Lass, He must be busy. He will call you back when he sees it."

Sky nodded and sent him a message.