Are you here to party?

"Ms.Sky, I will look into it and return to you." Director started sweating.

'You were so good to me in the Party. What happened now? You are not even smiling.'

"I want the details at the meeting." Sky returned inside the elevator and went to her office.

'We have only fifteen minutes for the meeting. How am I going to find out so soon?' HR department director wanted to cry badly. But he ran inside his office and started to look into it.

Andy and Lilly greeted Sky, Andy followed and reported her day before's work and current day's schedule. Lilly followed her and started talking when Andy finished.

"Ms.Sky You look great in your formal dresses than your suits. Did you shop yesterday? Did you go to the shops which I ..." Lilly who excitedly started to talking noticed Sky's cold gaze on her.