It's not that simple

He didn't miss to notice the changes on the faces of Peter and Sam when they told about Amie Milton. Jai understood they were holding back some information from Sky. Jai clearly knew that if they were hiding something means that can't be a good thing.

Sam and Peter followed Jai to the study room. "Speak" Jai sat on a head seat of the couch and gestured them to sit.

"Mr.Barton, If I'm right, you already know Ms.Sky is being protected by the Milton family. Her mother's death and disaster behind the hospital and its staff are pointing to the Milton family. Eventually, Mr.Harley got to know that we investigated it and he told us to stop it and..."

They heard a noise near the door and everybody turned towards the door. Loran who was leaning on the wall next to the door tried to calm down first.