What's so funny?

"They will not ask you." Jai consoled.

"Okay." Sky went back to her table and saw her mobile in Peters' hand. His and Sam's surprised look.

"How can you take a girl's phone... with... out... permission?" Sky saw the unknown number call was received on her mobile and Peter waved in front of her.

Sky badly wanted to dig a hole to hide in than to see their reaction. Sky passed the phone to Peter back, "Brother wants to say something to you."

Sky didn't want to sit and eat anymore. She took her bag and flee off without even paying the bill.

When she reached the car, the car was unlocked. She turned back and saw Sam was leaning on the door of the restaurant wearing his shades.

Sky slid inside and took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She startled by the sudden knock on the window.

She rolled it down and took the phone from Peter, "Brother Jai" Sky's voice was very low and it sounded more like whispering.