You will not get to see your son anymore

"Dad, If she forces me again, I will leave the home first and never return." Andy voiced out loud to Stefan Gill and went off the house.

After exiting the house, he fished his mobile from the pocket and called Sky. "Chipmunk!"

"Hey, Whatsup?" Sky voice sounded on the other end.

"Where are you? Are you free?" Andy's voice was low.

"Andy, What's wrong? Why do you sound so low? Did you lose a football match or fought with your mom?" Sky was concerned.

"Hmm, something like that."

"Let's go to Moutain den, You always wanted to trek their right." Sky suggested enthusiastically to divert his mood.

"But It's far, Chipmunk." Andy sounded gloomy.

"Stupid, With your riding speed, three hours for traveling, two hours there. We will be back home for dinner." Sky simplified quickly.

"Okay Chipmunk, get ready, I will pick you up in five minutes." Andy sounded happy, relaxed and hung up the call.
