I will see you soon

Next day, Sam drove Sky to the office. When she entered her office, she was surprised to see David sitting inside. She signaled Andy to leave who was saying about meetings and other works.

"Dad! Good morning"

"Hmm" David kept the magazine aside and looked at his daughter who was taking quick steps towards him.

"Why are you here? Why didn't you come home?" Sky sat right in front of David on the coffee table.

"Don't you have such a big couch, Why are you sitting on the coffee table?" David always noticed her sitting on the coffee table to face him straight than sitting aside and to look sideways.

Looking at David's annoyed expression, she pursed her lips and said, "It will not break for my weight."

David gave a faint smile, "Do you have any meeting today?"

"One general daily meeting. Why?" Sky asked.