Cent percent

When Jai tried to stop her, She gave a reassuring smile to Jai and saw David who was worried when she stood up. "Don't worry Dad, I will handle."

David hummed and sat back speaking, "We will leave after fifteen minutes to meet her parents."

Sky nodded and moved towards the dining table. She stopped Loran and asked in a very low voice, "Loran, Do you still like her or want to give her a chance if she changes for better?"

Loran shook his head. "I don't want a gold digger." Sky got another shock.

"Peter investigated about her. She lied to me about many things." Loran explained after looking at her shocked expression.

"Are you sure?" Sky wanted to confirm. "Cent percent."

Sky patted on his shoulders and sat on the head of the chair towards the left of Jessica who smirked looking at her.

"Why did you do that? Weren't we looking after you well? Wasn't my brother good to you?" Sky asked calmly.