I don't remember

"Sky! How long are you planning to sleep?" A gentle voice sounded near Sky as a hand stroked her head.

Sky opened her eyes and saw Jai. She smiled "You are back!" She tried to sit but whined.

"Back hurting?" Jai asked as helped her to sit. Sky nodded to him. "What time did you two sleep yesterday?"

"I don't remember. We watched a movie and we talked for a long time. I don't even remember when I slept." Sky checked another end of the bed where Loran was still sleeping peacefully.

"When I reached at seven, you were leaning on the headboard and I helped to lay you down. I think you slept at dawn." Jai explained.

"You came at seven? What is the time now?" Sky hastily tried to search for her phone.

"Ten O'clock" Jai answered her. Sky crawled out of the bed saying, "I have to postpone the meeting. they must be waiting for me." She was still in a sleepy mood and her voice was groggy.