My feet are paining

"Hmm kind off." Sky replied to which Sam rebutted, "then why haven't I seen you like this?"

"Will you believe if I say Dad had spent a fortune to change my complete wardrobe?" Sky replied in a low voice.

Sam furrowed his eyebrows. Seeing his scorned expression Sky scoffed.

"You think I don't know the brands of your clothes! Just because you see girls excited while shopping doesn't mean boys don't spend money. It is the same as how you spend on electronics and automobiles." Sky used what her dad once told to her.

"You win." Sam showed zipping action near his lips and stayed quite.

Lilly had shopped for the whole three hours. The other three silently followed her and helped her if she needed. "Ms.Sky, you should have dinner before going home." Sam suggested.

"You guys, join us." Sam ordered. Sky's mouth twitched. "Lilly, you should leave. Your family and friends will be waiting for you."

"Thank you Ms.Sky." Lilly thanked her and left.