Your daughter's weaknesses are many

He had lived there, hence he wanted his daughter to have a family. Hence he had requested for George Barton. Later he never tried to contact them scaring 'what if Miltons get to know?'.

He always received a photo of Sky on her birthday in a post which was sent in Butler's name. He always had an urge to see. Whenever he had any work in city T, he used to ditch his jet and go by road to the town.

A few times he got a glimpse of Sky with her friends. She used to be happy, jumping around, making all sorts of actions with her hands. He was relieved knowing she was doing well.

When he got to know she had started a website to sell her handmade stuff, He used to order them each and keep in his study.

Somehow he managed to get the news that Miltons don't want to kill her rather they had to protect her. He decided to meet her. Sky was just graduated and was twenty-one years old when he first met her in Barton's place.