Let me meet her

Ethan wanted to cough blood after hearing her, the other three men's mouth twitched.

'Who buys the car asking which color they hate?'

Sky ignored them and video called her father, "Dad, See this is what I created."

"Hmm, Are you hurt?" David asked.

Sky shook her head, "Can you help me get a new blue color Porsche to Ethan? Rest I will come and talk to you at home."

"Sure." David agreed before hanging up.

"Let's go and check on the resort." Sky said as she took the driver seat of her car and asked Ethan to sit with her.

"Can we really not be friends?" Ethan asked. "Why not?" Sky replied as she drove.

"Then help your friend by not asking me to pay. I'm on tight." Ethan said slowly and was embarrassed.

"Sure, Then I will not pay the resort bills." Sky said without hesitation.

"F**k" Ethan cursed. Sky gritted her teeth and shot him a glance.