Are they real bullets?

"Sir, This is a fast selling light. If you lose this time, You may not get again." Salesboy used his brain to sell the lights.

Sky knew this was a way of selling things so that customers buy it. But she still didn't want to lose the beautiful star-shaped lights. She thought for a minute before speaking.

"Pack ten lights." Sky said and turned to Sam who was sulking. "Your girlfriend or Wife will die instead of going shopping with you."

Sam ignored and stood rooted. Sky went to pay, but their card payment machine lost the connection. Luckily she had cash and paid it. Two salesboys carried a box each and Sam took the other box.

While going towards the elevator, Sky, and Sam both noticed people gathered near the cash counter in every shop. Sky randomly commented, "I couldn't pay by the card in that shop too. They were saying connection lost. Probably the same in these shops too."