Worst birthday

Her right leg calf was slashed by a piece of glass on the right side and blood was flowing down. Jimmy tried to control the blood flow but he saw her fainting.

When he heard the strong and sturdy boot sounds, he blocked Sky and checked them. Then they helped to send her to the hospital.


Sky opened her eyes and squinted them due to brightness and slowly adjusted and opened properly. She heard a faint noise from outside and a beeping sound behind her. She saw the luxurious ceiling and doubt raised in her mind whether she was in a big fancy hospital or a seven-star hotel equipped with those machines.

She turned her head right first and saw nobody was there, she turned another side and saw Loran resting his head and blocking the light by keeping a hand on his forehead. He looked worn out.

"Lo..ran!" Her voice was hoarse and low but Loran heard her and looked at her. Sky smiled despite the pain she was feeling from her leg.