You are out of my hand

They finished breakfast and rested for some time. Jai received a call from David, "Yes, She is awake. You can come."

David came with Barton parents. Sky sighed after looking at them. They looked better than the previous day. They were happy seeing her not so non-pale face.

After talking for some time, Sky forced everyone to leave so that they can rest in the home. Five left the room after Doctor Goody visited her. Jai sent four of them back home and rested in the room next to her after informing Sky's nurse.

Sky slept for sometime after taking some medicine. When she opened her eyes, she felt a hand on her forehead and checked who it was and pouted. "What are you doing here?"

"You awake? It's lunchtime, Let's eat something." Jai's voice was gentle.

"Brother Jai, I told you to go home and rest." Sky whined but interrupted by a light cough.