How may I help you?

Ryan gritted his teeth, Whichever company they tried any such tricks, took their bait. He never expected to be rejected and upon that she even found that they weren't interested in collaboration.

"So the famous witty assistant Ryan Wilson is lost to a President who started working from just one and a half years ago... Such a disgrace." Arlo mocked Ryan.

"Ryan! Go to your room and sleep now. I have some work and... I am going to Harley corporation tomorrow." Arlo sent Ryan out and closed the study room.

Ryan went to Arlo's grandmother Olivia's room to check if she slept or not. Seeing her awake, he went in after a knock. "Grandmother!"

"Ryan! Come here." Olivia kept her book aside and called Ryan inside.

Ryan went and sat next to Olivia, "Your grandson mocked me because of a girl." Ryan started complaining.

"Girl?" Her eyes twinkled and she ignored Arlo mocking.

"Grandmother" Ryan dragged it long.