Girls feel very insecure

Rony pondered for a while before speaking, "She is very scheming. I heard her talking to her friends. She behaves like a 'virtuous' in front of us, but she actually is rude and audacious to her parents and others."

"Is that the reason you stood by Sky's side at the wedding?" Andy asked again.

Rony shook his head, "I didn't know Sister-in-law was behind it. And about Sky, I always heard about her from you and my conversation with her wasn't as long and good as yours. But she always kept her family and friends above her. So I just knew she will not do such things."

Andy gestured Rony to leave the room and sank to deep thought.

He actually believed what Savanna told them on their wedding day. After some days, Whenever he missed Sky, he was thinking about why she would do.

Later he assumed it may be a misunderstanding and he wanted to talk to her. But he heard from his friends that Sky left the town and said she must have flown away from the country.