Domestic violence

She waved her hand to disperse the smoke but to no avail, it was completely filled in the room. Andy took another puff and spoke, "Why? Didn't Mr.Jackson satisfy you? so you came to me."

Savanna was taken aback but she didn't show anything on her face, "Andy, What are you talking about at this time? Come on, Sleep." She tried to divert the topic.

"Oh, He must be a little too old to satisfy you, right?" Andy asked as he took a few steps towards her.

"Andy, Who is Mr.Jackson? What satisfy? I'm not understanding." She started to play dumb.

Andy held her chin as he stared into her eyes, "Did I satisfy you? Or Should I find one more man for you?"

His force on her chin intensified for every word he said.

She cried and flung his hand away. "Yes, you can't satisfy me completely. You can only give me physical satisfaction. Mr.Jackson will give money how much ever I ask him. Do you want some? I can share it with you."