I searched Sky Harley

Arlo shot a glance at Ryan before replying, "She helped the person who was in trouble when her own life was in danger. I thought she was better than many girls who just swoon around me. My many days of effort wasted on her. Sh.."

"So you couldn't take it?" Olivia cut in.

"It was your decision to spend time on it. Nobody forced you to do it. When something doesn't work as you want, you shouldn't destroy it. First, learn that."

Olivia took a deep breath and continued, "I don't know who is the girl and how is she. You only heard small pieces of her story, How can you come to the conclusion she went behind the boy?"

"You saw her video with Chairman Harley. He has a great reputation in the business world, how could you think he will do that? Know about the truth first then decide." Olivia patted on his shoulders and stood up.

"Ryan help me to go to my room." Olivia called Ryan and went to her room.