Go ahead

David was taken aback but he didn't show it on his face. He casually offered to have breakfast, both agreed and went to the dining table and sat down before David could react anything.

David went and sat on the head of the table as his assistant sat to his right in front of Arlo. "I just finished my breakfast. I will just accompany sitting here."

"Thank you, Chairman Harley." Arlo and Ryan replied in unison.

"Why Mr.Ryan Wilson is in disguise?" David's assistant questioned.

Ryan just smiled but cursed in mind, 'Why these Harley people are overly smart. I hate them.'

Till they finished breakfast, Nobody spoke. When they finished, David broke the silence, "Let's go to my study room."

"Chairman Harley, It's good here." Arlo said. His voice carried a commanding sense.

David gritted his teeth and nodded, "Sure, Chen, Please clean here."