There is nothing I can't do

Olivia smiled as if she expected his answer, "Then what did you like about her?"

"Darling, I know what you are thinking, there is nothing as such, so drop your plan." Arlo replied instantly.

"Brainless chap, Answer me. Don't behave as if you know me." Olivia slapped his hands.

"Fine, Fine. She talks too much but it wasn't irritating. I always got attention from everyone wherever I went but she stole all the attention and her attention didn't leave from Barton's brothers. Darling, you always said my eyes look spooky but she complimented it than my face." Arlo laughed as he finished.

Olivia noticed him smiling while talking about somebody who is not her or Ryan. "Don't you want to meet her again? Even I feel like seeing her after listening to you and Ryan."

Arlo chuckled before saying, "Who will not like to rear a bunny!"

Olivia was confused, "You want a pet animal?"